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Fred Miranda wrote:
Thanks Juha. All unique looks. The Petz gallery is my favorite. This lens is one of my favorites from MS Optics. It's super light and compact and has lots of character at wide apertures and sharp/corrected when stopped down. I'm happy you helped me get one.
The cherry blossom images taken with the Sonnetar are awesome.
Thanks very much Fred! I agree that Petz is a really nice one with a great balance of character and IQ, though it's not as well known as some of the other MS-Optics lenses I'm happy that you are still enjoying yours. I also think it's one of the best ones among my MS-Optics set (now up to 16 lenses, though that includes 2 copies of 28/4).
I did some e-mailing with Miyazaki-san's grandson this weekend asking if there is anything new in the pipeline after they had announced on Instagram that there was going to be some new production of Vario Prasma 50/1.5 (Silver). I heard back that they are working on new products + some reprint product, so hoping to see some new ones before too long I don't have any details on what lenses and when they would be announced though. He suggested keeping an eye on their SNS for future info. It's nice to know that new ones are in the pipeline as it's been a while since the latest new release.
Edited on Apr 15, 2024 at 01:12 AM · View previous versions