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p.60 #12 · p.60 #12 · Light Lens Lab (LLL) replica lenses discussion & image thread | |
stgrove wrote:
This thread is soooo long I lost track of comments comparing the LLL 50/1.2 versus the Leica reissue 50/1.2. Of course price is one consideration, but how about the rendering differences? Thanks.
I own a Leica Noctilux 50/1.2 and use it almost on a daily basis.
I played with LLL 50/1.2 for a couple hours but didn't buy.
As far as my bare eyes can figure, there isn't any significant difference between the two in terms of the rendering. The color of LLL might be slightly warmer but I can't be certain, the bokeh of Leica is a tiny bit smoother, the vignetting is comparable (can't really tell too much difference at wide open 1.2 anyway)