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philber wrote:
Brilliant shots, toothwalker! I really like the ones from Easter island.
Thanks philber.
StevenPA wrote:
Yep, seriously nice stuff, toothwalker! Except what's up with the sun in the one pic?
Hi hi - that's not the sun but a flower.
Steve Spencer wrote:
Toothwalker, I love the third to the last. Just brilliant. It reminds me of a Lawren Harris (probably the most famous Canadian painter) painting.
Thank you Steve. Shame on me, I don't know Lawren Harris. But of course I will Google him now. There is an enormous contrast between the northern highlands and Patagonia in the South. You seem to prefer the South.
teh_rebel wrote:
^^^ excellent set .. what lens did u use?
Is that a question for me? I don't think that it is very important, but I am glad that you asked because it made me discover that one image was non-Zeiss (replaced now). Lenses are 21/2.8, 50/1.4, 85/2.8 and 100/2.