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p.1 #3 · p.1 #3 · AstrHori 24mm and 40mm pancake for Leica M | |
ftllens wrote:
Was just browsing for pancakes again for the M and came across these:
They have a 24 6.3 (pancake) and a 40 5.6 and seem to incorporate good optics for a reasonable price for daytime walkarounds.
I ordered both and will test. They even market the 40 as covering the 33x44 sensor completely, so I am optimistic about its performance on the M10M.
They both have rangefinder coupling it looks like, so I'll report how accurate it is out of the box.
They seem to have some interesting lenses like a FF 50mm f/1.4 15 degree spinning tilt-shift, 85 TS, and a 75mm native G-mount lens coming for GFX.
Just saw their website from Thom Hogan's site:
Info: more →
I'll be very interested to hear what you think of the 40. I'm not thrilled with the five straight aperture blades, but if it lives up to the MTFs and is relatively distortion-free, then I may have to pick one up. It'd be nice to have a little lens that can be useful on both my a7rII and 50sII.
The 50/1.4 is a nice lens. Shot straight, it's a strong little fifty and then you get all the fun of a Lensbaby Composer like bellows for tilted shots. The 85 is less fun. It's a decent 85 shot straight, but the IC won't cover the FF when fully tilted and they recommend changing to APS-C mode. Despite the word being used in their advertising, neither lens supports any kind of shift. They also offer an inexpensive pair in their 35/1.8 and 50/2. I haven't used either, but I've heard they're strong values for the money.
Edited on Aug 13, 2022 at 01:59 AM · View previous versions