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p.6 #16 · p.6 #16 · Life on the Street - Post your Street Photography here | |
airfrogusmc wrote:
One thing that I am always interested in is who influences us as photographers. And in this case which photographers are our biggest influences when it comes to the street. And for me it's not to copy but who I do admire and have made me a better photogrpaher for knowing their work. The key is taking a little of this, a dash of that, take it all in and make it ones own.
If anyone is interested for me the big 3 would be:
Henri Cartier-Bresson for the moment
Robert Frank for The Americans
Winogrand for being so prolific
How about you?
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Many of those already listed. But change happens, and is immutable. I go to lensculture 'dot' com, and lenscratch 'dot' com to learn what younger photographers/artists are now doing, much of which is not based on those already named.
Having said that, off the top:
Mike Disfarmer
Martín Chambí
Eugéne Atget
Raghubir Singh