waterden Offline Upload & Sell: Off
I was able to buy the 16-70 very cheaply on Amazon during one of their special offer days. It was bought specifically for use with the A7R II. Now I have little doubt that statement will cause some consternation in certain places but my reasoning was that this would give me a nice small but well-built walkabout 24-105/4 equivalent and the A7R II's autocrop feature means no special menu fiddling is required and I still get an 18mp file, which is by no means small. I've not tested it for critical sharpness or decentring because I don't think it would be suitable for serious landscape work. However, I have used it now extensively for model photography in the studio and my only complaint is that, if anything, it is too revealing. Before getting it I was using the 55/1.8 at 42mp and the amount of pp needed to soften the appearance of even the most flawless faces was a nightmare.