Dudewithoutape Offline Upload & Sell: Off
First of all, thank you very much for the comparison. I really appreciate your swiftness in sharing.
However, I believe it isn't fair to compare the ZA zoom to the Minolta zoom as the Minolta is made for FF and a much more conservative design (2x) and rated as one of the highest calibre.
Also, I don't know how NEX OSS works, but did you turn it off for the tripod shot? I'm only speaking from experience with Canon IS where you're supposed to turn it off, otherwise it may over compensate and therefore get results less sharp than possible.
Again, thanks for the shots! It looks like it's doing a lot better in the second round. Also, I believe that it goes to show, it matters far more who is behind the camera than what's in front of it, as those initial shots you showcased look fantastic, IMHO.