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dhphoto wrote:
I haven't heard of the problem until today. I'm surprised too. Shouldn't be any faults on this grade of camera, they should be tested before they are sent out
But David, isolated cases, like what Richard experienced, are tough to control (I refrained from using the term "unavoidable") in mass produced items. No manufacturer, camera or otherwise, is immune to this issue. People would have not posted/said anything had there not been the 1D Mark III AF issues. Now, every little thing that surfaces, is magnified ten-fold or even more. Canon is walking on eggshells now, one false move, no matter how trivial and at what level, whack! A warranty issue without receipt resulted in posts like: "I am fedup with Canon", etc. Like I said in another thread, this Canon bashing here on FM is rampant lately. Not without reasons, I may add, but simply going out of control and a lot of regurgitation over and over....
Edited on Feb 28, 2008 at 09:52 AM