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margelatu wrote:
With the risk of being flamed, Hassy the 503 cwd which I contemplated buying is a great camera, but f... me for 11 grand you don't even get a metering device (pme prisms are extra) not to mention autofocus. It's like back to stoneage, truelly the pictures are amazing.
I used Hasselblads (film) for years and years in studios I worked in, I even had my own kit, lovely, tactile, expensive, a bit exclusive
That was until a fellow pro showed me the results he was getting with an RB67 at half the price. The lenses truly were sharper and had better contrast. THE BEST lens I have ever seen was a new 127mm RB lens.
Hasselblad, Shmasselblad, waste of money IMHO
Edited on Feb 29, 2008 at 01:09 PM