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JWilsonphoto wrote:
Good morning Ken! Yes, that is too bad. We have received a lot of inquiries from Fence Checkers at ISAP. Fence Check kind of originated the Photo Call concept and now there members are kind of out there in the wind, hope we can help them in some small way.
Good example of how a few jerks can destroy something good.
About the time the closure was announced, there was a separate thread started asking about the (then) upcoming El Centro photo call, and other sites (and organizations), where people could participate in future photo calls. I provided links to ISAP, and AZAP, which I knew of because of Jeff's posts here (and on Fence Check). Someone else posted a link to the APSOCAL group, which I didn't know about. I imagine that all 3 received inquiries from soon to be "homeless" Fence Checkers.
I did not make a blanket invitation for Fence Checkers to come here. I was worried that a mass influx of new participants (all in a short time frame) might actually harm MA2A. I did privately invite Liza to visit us sometime in the future, perhaps she will join us one day.
Even though I knew the closure was coming, I still keep clicking the link in my favorites, hoping the site will reappear.