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p.3 #3 · p.3 #3 · Anyone interested in a film one photo project? | |
1bwana1 wrote:
Of course we could always start with a half subscribed list. Between shooting and mailing time that would give us at least a 4 to 5 Month fulfillment time. If we start a thread, keep it active and entertaining the other spots will surely fill before we catch up time wise. Even if they don't and we end up with a couple of less images, so what. It will still have been a fun exercise.
Average shipping will be between four and seven days. Even if the camera is sent the same day it’s used, it may be another week before the next exposure. By starting with an initial eighteen, by the time the first four or five on the list have used it and sent it on its way, we will all have a much better idea of how long it will take.