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Archive 2023 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

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p.1 #1 · p.1 #1 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

Short version - my awesome Fuji Klasse W swims wid da fishes.

Long version - my awesome Fuji Klasse W seems to have died today. Was out n about, shot one roll of film with no issues. Loaded another roll, by exposure 6 it refused to function. Battery was good, and I also had a fresh spare that I tried.
By refuse to function, when it was turned on it continuously flashed 'mf' (manual focus), did not respond to any dials, did not respond to the shutter button. Then turning it off no longer retracted the lens but the LCD panel turned off.
Turning it back would result in a faint single click sound. Opening the film back and closing it - same faint click sound.
I managed to rewind the film that was in the camera - that worked - so that was salvaged. When I push that rewind button again - same faint click.

Get home, take out the battery. Have the film back open. Put battery back in and replace the battery cover but do not tighten it. Camera makes grumbling sounds. Release pressure on battery cover so contact broken, then reapply pressure. More grumbling sounds. Tighten battery cover, turn camera on and off suddenly the lens retracts. Put the roll of film back in - it loads it like nobody's business. Give shutter button half push - lens focuses and all info on the panel and in the VF light up correctly.
Turn camera off, lens retracts really sloooooowly.
In a few moments, back to the previous non-working nonsense. Rewind film, put it in my perfect Nikon N80 that cost me $20.

I paid $650 for this camera a couple of years ago. They now go for $1000+. And this is why I would never recommend any of these expensive P&S cameras. They all are on their last legs, but as the Fuji was the newest of them all, I thought it's legs would be a bit longer..

Pour one out for my Fuji homie.

Sep 04, 2023 at 08:27 PM
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p.1 #2 · p.1 #2 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

Around 2006 I bought a Contax TVS. It was easy to use, fit in a pocket, used it extensively on a road trip and sold it the moment we returned. As nice as it was deep down I knew these mid 90’s high end P&S were made on the same factory line as the ones sold by the bag full. I could just see the tinge of LCD bleed and fortunately got what I paid for it.
The way to look at is, how many rolls did you put through it and what does that break down to for how much you paid for it? Plus, you could always sell the dead Fuji to some influencers to put on the shelf behind them for their next video.

Sep 04, 2023 at 09:24 PM
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p.1 #3 · p.1 #3 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

Desmolicious wrote:
Short version - my awesome Fuji Klasse W swims wid da fishes.

Long version - my awesome Fuji Klasse W seems to have died today. Was out n about, shot one roll of film with no issues. Loaded another roll, by exposure 6 it refused to function. Battery was good, and I also had a fresh spare that I tried.
By refuse to function, when it was turned on it continuously flashed 'mf' (manual focus), did not respond to any dials, did not respond to the shutter button. Then turning it off no longer retracted the lens but the LCD panel turned
...Show more

Huss, sorry to hear about your Fuji. I am sure that you enjoy using it while it lasted as I remember seeing images that you posted taken with the camera. Similar things happened to me about 10 years with my Leica Minilux P&S died all of sudden due to the electronic board failure. I managed to salvage the lens in the Minilux and had it sent to Japan to converted to a M-mount by MS-Optics. I still have the lens and use it occasionally at least. Lately, I have been looking at the Konica Hexar P&S but I really shouldn’t!

Sep 04, 2023 at 09:55 PM
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p.1 #4 · p.1 #4 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

With upcoming new P&S cameras from both Mint and Ricoh/Pentax, buying any of these 30 year old cameras is a silly exercise.

Sep 05, 2023 at 07:31 AM
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p.1 #5 · p.1 #5 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

Sell it on ebay, just say EXC+++++++++++++ untested, as is, selling for a friend, you know nothing about cameras. Probably make $500

Sep 05, 2023 at 08:41 AM
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p.1 #6 · p.1 #6 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

j.liam wrote:
With upcoming new P&S cameras from both Mint and Ricoh/Pentax, buying any of these 30 year old cameras is a silly exercise.

Mint is the only one that is actively showing progress in development.

Pentax so far is vapor wear.

Problem is both will be very expensive and honestly the only one I personally would trust to get would be the Pentax if that ever appears.

The smart P&S buys are the dirt cheap ones - ones which actually used to be pretty pricey but everyone has since forgotten about because they have not been 'influenced'.

Sep 05, 2023 at 11:42 AM
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p.1 #7 · p.1 #7 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

Do you still have a Nikon Lite Touch that's still plugging along?

Sep 05, 2023 at 11:49 AM
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p.1 #8 · p.1 #8 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

I always wanted to try that one! Just like I have always wanted to try the Leica CM just won't pull the trigger on a used one.

A Leica M3 with a 40 Summicron may be the smartest buy anymore! Not so compact though.....

Sep 05, 2023 at 11:50 AM
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p.1 #9 · p.1 #9 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

ocean2059 wrote:
Huss, sorry to hear about your Fuji. I am sure that you enjoy using it while it lasted as I remember seeing images that you posted taken with the camera. Similar things happened to me about 10 years with my Leica Minilux P&S died all of sudden due to the electronic board failure. I managed to salvage the lens in the Minilux and had it sent to Japan to converted to a M-mount by MS-Optics. I still have the lens and use it occasionally at least. Lately, I have been looking at the Konica Hexar P&S but I really shouldn’t!

The Fuji did take awesome pics - basically the lens was fantastic (typical Fuji) and it had a super easy to use exp comp dial on the front of the camera.
But I do think Fuji basically dressed up cheap bits with a few fancy extras to make this camera. While it does have a metal skin, it does not feel 'built' like a Contax does. And the film loading and advance sounds were super noisy and agricultural sounding.
Also the AF was super slow (but accurate). My much cheaper Fuji Work Project focuses much quicker (more in a bit). The exp info in the VF would wash out in sunshine... but the lens and exposures from the Klasse? Perfect.

I was hoping when Leica announced their all new film camera... it would be the Minilux/CM re-imagined. That would have completely made sense as there is a desire for a quality compact AF 35mm film camera and no-one else makes any quality 35mm film camera! But no, they released the MP dressed up like an M6.

Back to Fuji... so I also have two Work Projects which also have a 28mm lens (excellent at that), a huge VF - much better than the Klasse - but your typical stripped down feature set. Biggest loss is the lack of EV compensation. But it does have a very cool zone focus setting, plus it's AF is much quicker than the Klasse.

So... looks like I'll be using that but I may still make a trip down to Deans Camera Repair in Torrance and have him take a look.

Bottom line - I would not recommend paying big money for any P&S. Unless I happen to be selling one.

Edited on Sep 05, 2023 at 12:03 PM · View previous versions

Sep 05, 2023 at 12:00 PM
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p.1 #10 · p.1 #10 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

p.s. this is why we need a film section.

Sep 05, 2023 at 12:02 PM
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p.1 #11 · p.1 #11 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

Sorry for this! Not using a P&S film camera either, but they are easy to carry around and compact. Depending how you like and enjoy using this camera, looking at a repair option might be a good idea if it is below $200. Not sure if anybody still repairs this kind of cameras though.

Sep 05, 2023 at 12:05 PM
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p.1 #12 · p.1 #12 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

madNbad wrote:
Do you still have a Nikon Lite Touch that's still plugging along?

Yup - still looks and works like new! But that's because it hasn't had that much film put through it and frankly you can feel why it is called Lite Touch. Nikon could not have specced thinner plastic for that thing!
Many have broken/jammed lens blinds - mine is still ok perhaps because I keep it in a tiny camera pouch where it would be protected.
Great lens. But the killer feature on the Fuji was the exp comp dial.

Sep 05, 2023 at 12:05 PM
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p.1 #13 · p.1 #13 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

RustyRus wrote:
I always wanted to try that one! Just like I have always wanted to try the Leica CM just won't pull the trigger on a used one.

A Leica M3 with a 40 Summicron may be the smartest buy anymore! Not so compact though.....

CMs are now $2500+!!!

And even though I've never handled one, the reviews say the VF is tiny peephole. Plus they also are breaking but apparently a couple of people have that flex cable fix going on.

This is why I hoped Leica's new film camera would have been a new CM.

Sep 05, 2023 at 12:08 PM
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p.1 #14 · p.1 #14 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

RustyRus wrote:
I always wanted to try that one! Just like I have always wanted to try the Leica CM just won't pull the trigger on a used one.

A Leica M3 with a 40 Summicron may be the smartest buy anymore! Not so compact though.....

Pandemic selfie in San Fran w my M3 and 40 Cron!

Basically you use the entire VF outside the 50 framelines to compose, and that works fine.

More M3 + 40 Cron from same day:

What's nice about the Fuji Klasse (by the way the S version comes w a 38mm lens) is like all P&S cameras, they are a one handed affair. When mine died on me yesterday I was on my bike w my dog Daisy in a dog sling bag. The Fuji let me snap shots easily.

Sep 05, 2023 at 12:13 PM
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p.1 #15 · p.1 #15 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

Desmolicious wrote:
Short version - my awesome Fuji Klasse W swims wid da fishes.

Long version - my awesome Fuji Klasse W seems to have died today. Was out n about, shot one roll of film with no issues. Loaded another roll, by exposure 6 it refused to function. Battery was good, and I also had a fresh spare that I tried.
By refuse to function, when it was turned on it continuously flashed 'mf' (manual focus), did not respond to any dials, did not respond to the shutter button. Then turning it off no longer retracted the lens but the LCD panel turned
...Show more

Sorry about your Fuji, I always wanted to try one.
There are so few high end P&S and the prices are so crazy, I wish I bought a bunch during the few years everything analog was cheap.
But I must say, all my P&S give me anxiety, the plastic ones and the metal ones.
What about those Pentax ones? Is it real?

Sep 05, 2023 at 12:53 PM
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p.1 #16 · p.1 #16 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

That sucks. But on the positive side, it makes me feel less remorse for selling mine.

Like you said, the cheap P&S cameras are probably the way to go. If it dies, not a biggie.

Sep 05, 2023 at 03:48 PM
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p.1 #17 · p.1 #17 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

helimat wrote:
Like you said, the cheap P&S cameras are probably the way to go. If it dies, not a biggie.

Exactly. Even when it was working, the Fuji, cameras like my old Contax T3 and other high end P&S cameras never felt to be the same quality as any of the top end SLRs from Nikon, Canon, Pentax etc. Not even close. And yet a Klasse S or W is 'worth' three times the amount of a mint F3!
Frack, a beat up Olympus Mju goes for the price of an F3! or F100. You can get 10 Nikon N80s for one Mju 2!

Where was I? Oh yeah, don't spend a lot of money on a P&S camera.

Sep 06, 2023 at 12:09 AM
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p.1 #18 · p.1 #18 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

I stopped using P&S when I couldn't find the $3 Stylus Zooms at Goodwill anymore.

A few years back, I tried to give away a very nice Stylus 105 on another forum. It wasn't a Mju so nobody wanted it. Now they're two hundred bucks.

Sep 06, 2023 at 12:22 AM
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p.1 #19 · p.1 #19 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S

madNbad wrote:
A few years back, I tried to give away a very nice Stylus 105 on another forum. It wasn't a Mju so nobody wanted it. Now they're two hundred bucks.

Yeah, initially there was no attraction to zoom P&S cameras because the lenses become super slow. But when the price of the fix focal length cameras like the Stylus exploded, just the name 'Stylus' on a zoom lens camera suddenly boosted their appeal.

The nice thing about the fixed focal length P&S cameras, is that not only are the lenses smaller, faster and usually better IQ, but the camera itself tends to be smaller. But mfgs moved to the zooms as it was a bigger feature set to sell to avg consumers who were impressed with features - the more the better.
I use my zoom P&S cameras at their widest/quickest setting 99% of the time.

Sep 06, 2023 at 11:59 AM
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p.1 #20 · p.1 #20 · The pitfalls of the high end film P&S


Sep 06, 2023 at 01:13 PM
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