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p.2 #15 · p.2 #15 · Comparison: Voigtlander 35/1.4, Loxia 35/2 & Voigtlander 40/1.2 | |
Very nice comparison review, Fred!
Between native E-mount CV and Loxia lines, I have bought and kept 4 CV lenses (21, 35, 40, 65) and 1 Loxia (50) so far. I also bought the CV 10mm but later I sold it as I decided to use the Sony zooms (12-24/4 and 16-35/2.8) for the widest end for versatility reasons.
I prefer the look & feel, handling, pricing and size on the CV lenses in most cases. I will also probably switch my Loxia 50 to CV 50 1.2 once there is native version available and I have the 110/2.5 on pre-order as well.
In Japan this 35/1.4 classic costs 56% of the Loxia 35/2 price as new in my usual favorite Camera shops and the 2nd hand supply hasn't been priced much lower so far for either lens.
I've been enjoying the 35/1.4 a lot and I always have a lot of fun shooting with it, and I've been very happy with the results. I also think I got an excellent copy of that one which seems to behave similarly to Fred's copy.
My latest outing with the CV 35/1.4 from a couple of weeks ago: https://plus.google.com/%2BJuhaKannisto/posts/ftDrNgGJpGM