Chris Dees Offline Upload & Sell: On
I just returned from NPS to hand in my chubby loaner. The rep told me they just received a 105/1.4 and he asked me if I would like to try it. It was an IPS - Initial Preproduction Sample. I tried it on a D810 but was not allowed to put the images on a card.
I played with it for 5-10 minutes. It's a big piece of glass but it handled pretty easy. As already said before the rendering is alike the 58G; just beautiful. Now I really WANT to have it.
BTW, when the production version arrives this lens will go back to Japan and it will be destroyed. No way to get that one for a nice price.
For the purists; the lens is made in China.
Only lenses with a manufacturing price above about €2000,00 are made in Japan, all others in Thailand or China.