Bifurcator Offline Upload & Sell: Off
When I joined here, for the first 3 months or so, it seemed like there was at least one post a day from someone calling the MP 100/2.8 the king of lenses yada-yada... At the time I was shooting a Minolta A2 bridge camera and M4/3 of any kind, wan't even a rumor yet. There wasn't a DSLR model I respected much and I think there wasn't a FF out besides the Kodak. I had some very specific requirements before I'd pay for a new body. M4/3 specifically the GH1, came along and met all but a few of those. I've horse-traded and reconditioned/resold my way from $10 lenses, to $50 lenses, then $100, $250, $500, and now finally I'm at the $1k mark. The step up to the $500 limit was very rewarding and exciting. The $1k mark with these two and one prior, looks to be equally as exciting a step! I'm having fun!