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Archive 2017 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

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p.43 #1 · p.43 #1 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

I was mainly shooting the type of holiday photos that you don't want to post. But I may find some more abstract images from an old ferry and some portraits.
I have been in Greece and this island so often that my inspiration is close to zero there

Sep 18, 2011 at 05:21 AM
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p.43 #2 · p.43 #2 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Carsten - The 18 shot stitch of shrub is very attractive. There is the sense of infinite detail in this shot, but not 'in your face' kind of way. Tempelhof buildings pano is more 'conventional', but I like it. The other favorite was the kite shot. Wonderful sense of space in that shot.

FlyPenFly - Gtreat shot of Central Park pond. I too like the bicycle and bench shot, and I also really liked the doorway shot. Very nice B/W work.

Sep 18, 2011 at 09:45 PM
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p.43 #3 · p.43 #3 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Random samples from CY 50

Sep 18, 2011 at 09:49 PM
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p.43 #4 · p.43 #4 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Nice akul, where were the last two taken?

Sep 18, 2011 at 10:37 PM
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p.43 #5 · p.43 #5 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Nice Akul..I like your shots taken with your CY...the bridge shot is fantastic!! do you have a BW version??
2 things...
1st. The CY I just got I'm am selling..I like it, but too many 50's at the moment, although looking at your shots make me kinda want to keep it!!
2nd. How the heck do you enable showing more than 4 photos at a time during a post?? I see you have 6...am I missing something??!!

Sep 18, 2011 at 10:51 PM
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p.43 #6 · p.43 #6 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

@Gregg: You don't have to use the image upload function. You can simply use the direct URL to pictures from flickr, picasa, photobucket etc. (akul uses zeissimages.com) and paste it in your post -- then you can have as many pictures in your post as you want. You will not get the EXIF data though so you'll have to type that manually if you want to include that in your post.

Sep 19, 2011 at 02:31 AM
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p.43 #7 · p.43 #7 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

FlyPenFLy- Thanks. They were from a trail along upper Delaware river.

Greggf - Thank you. I have not done B/W on that bridge shot yet, but thank you for the suggestion. Regarding your CY, if you have room, why not keep it? There may be time you find its beauty. I myself have not sold any lenses so far, so I am of course biased For the question #2, I see AhamB already have answered.

Sep 19, 2011 at 05:04 AM
wayne seltzer
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p.43 #8 · p.43 #8 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Luka, the bridge shot and the last tree shot show the 50/1.4's unique ability to better isolate the subject from the background in a 3-d manner with volume.

Sep 19, 2011 at 01:53 PM
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p.43 #9 · p.43 #9 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Wayne - Thanks for the comment. I agree that 50 1.4 has a very unique and strong ability to render space and volume. That was always what I was drawn to about planar 50, but because I had CY50 1.4 sitting in my drawer from film days, I held off buying the Z series version. To be honest though, I did not shoot this lens enough on film to really learn how it behaved. Now I finally converted it with Leitax, I am happy to confirm what I was seeing from our fellow members do exist on CY planar as well.

By the way, due to the FOV, it may be slightly less, but I feel I witness the very similar quality from 85 1.4 shots.

Sep 19, 2011 at 06:24 PM
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p.43 #10 · p.43 #10 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Zeiss MP 100/2.8 (C/Y) Germany - Nearly 100% crop.

Sep 19, 2011 at 07:10 PM
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p.43 #11 · p.43 #11 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

CY50 with Polarizer

Sep 19, 2011 at 09:43 PM
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p.43 #12 · p.43 #12 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Again, Akul, fantastic images! Ok, so I might take your advice and keep it for a bit(CY 50). The only problem is my wife hounding me because I have too many lenses!! Go figure!! and with number 2 due any day now, she's getting tired of my camera gear all over!! she tells me..."I going to take you camera sh** and throw it away!"...of course she's just kidding, but you don't mess with mama bear!! if you know what I mean!!

Sep 19, 2011 at 10:32 PM
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p.43 #13 · p.43 #13 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Gregg, what I did recently is to put all my gear in photo bags. One bag per kit. Then I stuffed them all in my wardrobe. Now they are out of sight, except for my Nikon kit.

Sep 20, 2011 at 02:14 AM
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p.43 #14 · p.43 #14 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Carsten, that is a great suggestion. Gregg, CY50 is so tiny. May be you can find a nook to stuff it into

Sep 20, 2011 at 05:08 AM
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p.43 #15 · p.43 #15 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Very nice set, Akul!

I just love the mood and the OOF areas in #1

Sep 20, 2011 at 06:19 AM
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p.43 #16 · p.43 #16 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Greggf wrote:
Again, Akul, fantastic images! Ok, so I might take your advice and keep it for a bit(CY 50). The only problem is my wife hounding me because I have too many lenses!! Go figure!! and with number 2 due any day now, she's getting tired of my camera gear all over!! she tells me..."I going to take you camera sh** and throw it away!"...of course she's just kidding, but you don't mess with mama bear!! if you know what I mean!!

carstenw wrote:
Gregg, what I did recently is to put all my gear in photo bags. One bag per kit. Then I stuffed them all in my wardrobe. Now they are out of sight, except for my Nikon kit.

Too many lenses and keeping them out of sight are two concepts which are just too complex for me wee brain.

Papa Bear Gotz Hair!

Sep 20, 2011 at 08:23 AM
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p.43 #17 · p.43 #17 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

Now if those were only Zeiss lenses, I would be jealous

But seriously, what we are looking at here is not so much a collection which cannot be hidden, but more a collection which has no one to hide from, unless I am much mistaken... I don't see how else it could have grown to this proportion Btw, where are all the cameras?

Sep 20, 2011 at 09:11 AM
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p.43 #18 · p.43 #18 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

There's 12 Zeiss lenses in there 5 cameras. That's no enough?

But yeah, for some reason I don't really care about camera bodies. I'm not into film anymore and the digitals I want are too expensive (even though I there's like $25k of lenses there ) or don't do what I want.

And yeah, you're mistaken... The difference really is only hair.

Here's more of the MP 100/2.8:



And one I posted previously in another thread:

Sep 20, 2011 at 10:33 AM
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p.43 #19 · p.43 #19 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

This lens reminds me of my Contax 645 120mm f/4 Makro-Planar… I have the ZF.2 100MP, but I am beginning to itch to try this lens and the 100/2 Planar as well. Shite.

Sep 20, 2011 at 04:43 PM
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p.43 #20 · p.43 #20 · Zeiss Lens Photos and Discussion

When I joined here, for the first 3 months or so, it seemed like there was at least one post a day from someone calling the MP 100/2.8 the king of lenses yada-yada... At the time I was shooting a Minolta A2 bridge camera and M4/3 of any kind, wan't even a rumor yet. There wasn't a DSLR model I respected much and I think there wasn't a FF out besides the Kodak. I had some very specific requirements before I'd pay for a new body. M4/3 specifically the GH1, came along and met all but a few of those. I've horse-traded and reconditioned/resold my way from $10 lenses, to $50 lenses, then $100, $250, $500, and now finally I'm at the $1k mark. The step up to the $500 limit was very rewarding and exciting. The $1k mark with these two and one prior, looks to be equally as exciting a step! I'm having fun!

Sep 20, 2011 at 08:03 PM
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