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Fujifilm X-Trans Infinity Scene RAW Processing Comparison | |
I have noticed several people wondering how the 16mp Fuji X-Trans sensor handles infinity landscape scenes. I think most agree that X-Trans looks fine when the camera \"out-resolves\" the scene (e.g. portraits) but has more issues when the scene \"out-resolves\" the camera (e.g. infinity landscape). I thought it would be useful to post a RAW file from a landscape scene and show how different popular RAW converters handle it. Handheld X-Pro1 at ISO200, f5.6, 1/800th with the Fuji 23/1.4 lens.
I tried to roughly match exposure (different RAW processors apply differing default brightness). Sharpening and color noise reduction was set to zero/off for all RAW converters. Each file was then hand-sharpened in Photoshop with \"Smart Sharpen\" first (0.3 radius, 200-500% amount; sometimes a second round of Smart Sharpen) and a touch of \"Reduce Noise\" (Preserve Detail 100%, Reduce Color Noise as needed, Sharpen Details 5%).
What did I learn? When you sharpen everything in Photoshop, the different programs look surprisingly similar. ACR8.4 didn\'t need any color noise reduction. AccuRaw and PhotoNinja needed the least additional sharpening. I\'m surprised that Aperture looks the worst.
I\'m providing the RAW file and my processed JPGs if you want a closer look.
JPGs: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10544673/xtrans_comparison_jpgs.zip
RAW: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10544673/DSCF11020.RAF.zip