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I picked up a copy of Smart Convert to help with converting colour negatives. I am not a Lightroom user so Negative Lab Pro is not a straightforward option for me, and even Smart Convert does not fit into my (admittedly primitive) workflow at the moment, but Smart Convert it is for the time being. I'm using it more so as a reference to teach me how to do manual editing, taking the output from it's conversions as a better reference for when I'm trying to convert by hand/eye.
Here are a couple of shots from the same initial roll of portra 400 that went through my M-A., at the Rietberg Museum in Zürich. Carnival (mardi gras) is called Fastnacht in Germanic Switzerland. This exhibit showed some of the characteristic styles of mask worn during the festivities here. Mildly terrifying.
Leica M-A, portra 400, Summilux-M 1:1.4/28 Asph.
Fastnacht mask by Philip Johnson, on Flickr
Fastnacht masks by Philip Johnson, on Flickr