bjhurley Offline Upload & Sell: Off
johnvanr wrote:
I should add that I don't believe in Instagram or other social media (with the exception probably of YouTube for video). I'm never going to shoot toward an algorithm or to be popular.
But that doesn't have to be the point of posting your images on social media.
As a musician, I've long observed a spectrum among other musicians who perform onstage or do recordings. For some it's mostly "look at me, aren't I cool/talented/great?" For others the focus is more on "listen to this amazing music" or it's about communication, about expressing and sharing their emotions or a compelling story. We all have egos, everyone who shares their music or photography is hoping to get some attention (and/or money), although for some it's not necessarily a desire for adulation. Some want that attention to be directed at them; others want it to be directed at the music or the images themselves. For most of us it's probably a mix, but people tend to lean on one side or the other of the spectrum.
When I was single, I'd often find myself in a beautiful environment or in a moment with amazing light and wish I had someone to share that with. Posting photographs can be a way of doing this; the message isn't necessarily "aren't I a great photographer," but "isn't this amazing/beautiful/touching/evocative/disturbing/whatever?"
I currently specialize in taking photos of musicians and other artists at the beginning or end of their careers, when most of them can't afford to hire a photographer. If someone comes to me with a budget or something that requires lights and a studio I refer them to some professional photographers I know. I only work for free, and when I give them their photos I tell them they can share them freely and I don't even care if they credit me by name. My "payment" is seeing them use the photos in their gig posters, as their social media profile photos, and in comments on the photos from their peers, friends, and family. I still get my dopamine fix but am not aiming to be popular; I only have something like 50 followers, I don't even pay attention to the numbers. I want the attention to be on the subjects of my photos, not on me.
All this is to say that social media doesn't have to be about algorigithms or personal glory, it can just be a platform for sharing images that speak to you and that you hope might speak to others.