StephenS_CP Offline Upload & Sell: Off
I've had the same experience sporadically for about a year. I run on Win11 with LrC 13.1/ACR 16.1, but I experience the problem entirely within the LrC workflow. I don't have DXO and my Topaz AI product usage is always a last step in my workflow and is, of course, applied to a 2nd image file. I've found that LrC is not reliable in showing me the most current edits. The discrepancy does, eventually, resolve, sometimes just by navigating off the current image to a different one and back again, although that resolution is not reliable either. My impression is that there is some buffer or background process failure at play in this behavior...some refresh flag that doesn't get set or serviced promptly or something like that.
The problem has been less in the last few months than it was through much of last year.