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Archive 2023 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

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p.2 #1 · p.2 #1 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Juha Kannisto wrote:
Today Cosina announced that official release date for 50/1.2 will be 7th of September:


It's pretty soon already

Yessss! Well this is fantastic

I just had a really good experience with MapCamera with my recent acquisition of the CV 35mm/1.2 so its nice you can deal in person with them directly. We are planning a trip to Japan next spring so its likely I will visit their shop.

Unfortunately their reservation system won't allow overseas transactions so I'll have to wait a bit...but I will be looking forward to some of your testings with this lens

Aug 25, 2023 at 08:32 AM
Fred Miranda
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p.2 #2 · p.2 #2 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Gabe13 wrote:
Yessss! Well this is fantastic

I just had a really good experience with MapCamera with my recent acquisition of the CV 35mm/1.2 so its nice you can deal in person with them directly. We are planning a trip to Japan next spring so its likely I will visit their shop.

Unfortunately their reservation system won't allow overseas transactions so I'll have to wait a bit...but I will be looking forward to some of your testings with this lens

It's a very compact lens for the speed. The rendering and FL equiv. would be similar to shooting with a full frame camera and the Voigtlander 75/1.9 Ultron.

Aug 25, 2023 at 01:42 PM
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p.2 #3 · p.2 #3 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Fred Miranda wrote:
It's a very compact lens for the speed. The rendering and FL equiv. would be similar to shooting with a full frame camera and the Voigtlander 75/1.9 Ultron.


I am so stoked for this lens...this will round out the other end of the focal length spectrum for my small Voigtlander travel kit very very nicely.

If cameraquest gets them as speedily as they did with that 35mm/0.9 then I should have it in time for an upcoming Utah trip

Aug 25, 2023 at 10:54 PM
Steve Spencer
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p.2 #4 · p.2 #4 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Fred Miranda wrote:
Thanks for posting the video. It's interesting they mentioned that the optical design it's closer to the 35/1.2 X-mount, which has a double gauss design, when in fact the new 50/1.2's design is reminiscent of the CV 75/1.9 lens.

The depth of field and focal length equivalence to full frame will also be similar to what you get with the 75/1.9 Ultron lens, so the new 50/1.2 X-mount is designed as a short tele lens.

Yes, I noticed that too and it doesn't even have any aspherical elements so I think we can expect a fair bit of SA wide open, which some will really like and others will not. To me it looks very much like a portrait lens and like Fred posted above should have a lot of the look of the M mount 75 f/1.9.

Aug 26, 2023 at 08:29 AM
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p.2 #5 · p.2 #5 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

That is correct and as far as I remember, regarding CV X-mount options, only the 23/1.2 and the new 35/0.9(it has 2) have aspheric elements but they are wider so they would benefit more...also considering the general cost increase associated with utilizing aspherical elements the lack of them in the 50/1.2 keeps that price nice and low.

In any case it does look like its best for portraiture wide open (probably intentional design) or maybe artistic close focus expressions but for landscape or environmentals (such as what I primarily be using it for) I would be stopping down anyway which would help to mitigate any SA.

This is going to be a great addition to the X-mount line up and I will definitely be exercising my mouse clicking finger to be ready for that purchase

Aug 26, 2023 at 10:31 AM

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p.2 #6 · p.2 #6 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

I am a mitakon user and have to say it’s one of the best 35mm lens I have used. Sharp wide open and great colours for colour and contrast for BW. Bokeh is stunning for a crop sensor

Been thinking on the VM 25/0.9, dealer had one in Hong Kong and I decided to snap it up … though the high cost did have me think twice. Some initial testings, the bokeh is not as smooth as the mitakon. But it is sharper, even sharper than mitakon and one of the key deciding factors is it is very sharp at 0.9 at mfd. I love to take food pics in restaurants, even at 0.9 a decent part of the dish is in focus. CA is still very present wide open, purple fringing is better. I will try to post some images here, all shot at 0.9.

Aug 28, 2023 at 02:20 AM

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p.2 #7 · p.2 #7 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Unfortunately I am not a full member, please check my IG I just uploaded a few pics to my IG of a jazz performance in acros. For BW, I feel mitakon is king

IG :

Aug 28, 2023 at 02:23 AM
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p.2 #8 · p.2 #8 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

I have that Mark II version of Mitakon 35mm/0.95...its an alright lens, not bad for its price at all... but it is heavy at 460g , does not have any electronic contacts and is 35mm apsc. However, this thread is regarding a 50mm/1.2 apsc CV lens so discussing the Mitakon 35mm/0.95 is an apples to oranges comparison.

Its main point of comparison would be the CV 35mm/0.9 Nokton but even then the Speedmaster 35mm/0.95 has a different optical design so the characteristics and image quality are going to be different, the weight is similar though, but the price is significantly more for the CV 35mm/0.9. However, for some people (myself included) they will be fine with the premium cost because they prefer certain characteristics of Voigtlander rendering, build quality as well as overall handling and the usage experience.

As far as I know the Mitakon 50mm/0.95 is not available in X-mount but if it were it is not that much less expensive than what the CV 50mm/1.2 is going to cost, also it does not have electronic contacts, has a different optical formula and thus image rendering. The Mitakon is also much heavier and massive @ 720g / 73x84mm vs the CV 50mm/1.2 @ 290g / 64x49mm.

So although the Mitakons are alternatives one can choose for the respective focal lengths, they do come with several compromises that one must determine if they are willing to make...but that is all part of gear kit assembly isn't it

Edited on Aug 28, 2023 at 08:19 PM · View previous versions

Aug 28, 2023 at 02:21 PM
Fred Miranda
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p.2 #9 · p.2 #9 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Gabe13 wrote:
I have the Mark II version of Mitakon 35mm/0.95...its alright, not bad for its price but it is heavy at 460g , does not have any electronic contacts and is 35mm apsc...this thread is regarding a 50mm apsc CV lens so this is apples to oranges in comparison

Its main point of comparison would be the CV 35mm/0.9 Nokton but even then the Speedmaster has a different optical design so the characteristics are going to be different, the weight is similar however and so yes the price is significantly more but for some people they will be fine with that
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Yes, the main benefit of shooting with the new CV 50/1.2 X is its low weight and size and likely high IQ as well.
I can adapt many of my ultra fast 50mm lenses on the Fuji but they will be bulkier and will lack electronic transmission.

Aug 28, 2023 at 03:41 PM
Juha Kannisto
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p.2 #10 · p.2 #10 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Map Camera put out a blog post with some samples and a YouTube video today:


I had made a reservation for the lens on 8/26 and now I had a call with Map Camera now and got confirmation that my lens is available for pickup already so I will go there and get it tomorrow (on release day)

Sep 06, 2023 at 04:58 AM

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p.2 #11 · p.2 #11 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Thanks for the links.
Some impressions about the lens and some samples would be very useful

Sep 06, 2023 at 06:57 AM
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p.2 #12 · p.2 #12 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Looking forward to some sample images from FM members! I will never, ever part ways with my 50/1.0 but this CV is potentially a very nice travel lens to pair with the smaller Fuji bodies.

Sep 06, 2023 at 07:12 AM
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p.2 #13 · p.2 #13 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Juha Kannisto wrote:
I had made a reservation for the lens on 8/26 and now I had a call with Map Camera now and got confirmation that my lens is available for pickup already so I will go there and get it tomorrow (on release day)

Oh wow what a sweet looking lens and some of the sample shots there really show some aspects of the character this lens has.

So so lucky getting this lens on release day like that

I can't wait to see some samples and maybe a shot or two with the lens mounted on your XS10 if you'd be so kind (I just recommended that Camera recently to a friend who is just getting into photography actually and they really like it).

Rest assured, as soon as I can get one of these 50mm/1.2 here I will do so!

Sep 06, 2023 at 04:16 PM
Juha Kannisto
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p.2 #14 · p.2 #14 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

I picked up my lens today from Shinjuku Map Camera store and I did some quick shooting during an extended lunch break on my Fujifilm X-S10. Unfortunately the weather was not so good today (very cloudy/downcast) and I also didn't have a lot of time to shoot since I had to get back to work (at home office). Anyhow, I got some early samples. The close-ups were taken wide open at f1.2 and long distance shots mostly at f4 with a couple at f5.6. These are all SOOC JPEGs from camera with standard Provia film simulation: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bpvkVvfbDpUbKjEG6

At the end of the album there's also one smartphone shot showing the lens on my camera. I'll try to get a better shot later when I have some more samples to share. Tomorrow's weather forecast is showing lots of rain through the whole day so I'll probably need to wait until weekend before I can shoot more and hopefully in better light.

Initial impressions about the lens are very good. It handles very nice and doesn't feel too big on the camera, although the hood adds a bit of length to the otherwise relatively short lens. It does allow focusing beyond infinity so hard infinity can't be utilized for optimal sharpness. Infinity focusing is still quite easy with peaking & especially with magnified view. I like the close focusing ability to 0.39m quite a bit and I think the lens is quite sharp wide open even at close distances when observing the photos on my PC. It has a nice Sonnar-style bokeh.

Sep 07, 2023 at 09:09 AM
Fred Miranda
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p.2 #15 · p.2 #15 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Juha Kannisto wrote:
I picked up my lens today from Shinjuku Map Camera store and I did some quick shooting during an extended lunch break on my Fujifilm X-S10. Unfortunately the weather was not so good today (very cloudy/downcast) and I also didn't have a lot of time to shoot since I had to get back to work (at home office). Anyhow, I got some early samples. The close-ups were taken wide open at f1.2 and long distance shots mostly at f4 with a couple at f5.6. These are all SOOC JPEGs from camera with standard Provia film simulation: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bpvkVvfbDpUbKjEG6

At the end
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Thanks for sharing those samples from Shinjuku Juha! I really miss that place.

From what I can see in the close-up samples, there's still some residual SA (spherical aberration), but the focus transition zone appears smoother when compared to the Voigtlander 75/1.9 Ultron on a full-frame camera. However, when shooting wide open at close-up distances, there's a lot of blur, making it challenging to assess how it would perform with subjects focused at medium distances where the transition zone's rendering would be more noticeable.

Looks like a compact short tele. Did you see much flare without the hood or you always had the hood on?

Sep 07, 2023 at 09:47 AM
Juha Kannisto
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p.2 #16 · p.2 #16 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Fred Miranda wrote:
Thanks for sharing those samples from Shinjuku Juha! I really miss that place.

From what I can see in the close-up samples, there's still some residual SA (spherical aberration), but the focus transition zone appears smoother when compared to the Voigtlander 75/1.9 Ultron on a full-frame camera. However, when shooting wide open at close-up distances, there's a lot of blur, making it challenging to assess how it would perform with subjects focused at medium distances where the transition zone's rendering would be more noticeable.

Looks like a compact short tele. Did you see much flare without the hood or you
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Thanks Fred! I went to lunch at Kebab Ye again right after getting the lens The flower shots were mainly from Ebisu after getting back from Shinjuku.

I had the hood on all the time since putting the lens on camera at the shop. I usually use the native hoods always when shooting. I can try if there's a lot of flare without the hood later (probably have to wait until weekend).

Sep 07, 2023 at 10:00 AM

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p.2 #17 · p.2 #17 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Thank you Juha for the quick review and samples. We'll wait paciently for more!

From these pictures it seems a very good performer. Very sharp when closed up, but with creamy and soft bokeh wide open. It shows some SA, but less than the 35mm f1.2 it seems

Sep 07, 2023 at 10:27 AM
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p.2 #18 · p.2 #18 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Juha Kannisto wrote:
I picked up my lens today from Shinjuku Map Camera store and I did some quick shooting during an extended lunch break on my Fujifilm X-S10. Unfortunately the weather was not so good today (very cloudy/downcast) and I also didn't have a lot of time to shoot since I had to get back to work (at home office). Anyhow, I got some early samples. The close-ups were taken wide open at f1.2 and long distance shots mostly at f4 with a couple at f5.6. These are all SOOC JPEGs from camera with standard Provia film simulation: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bpvkVvfbDpUbKjEG6

At the end
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Considering the weather conditions you managed to get a decent variety of shots with varying types of shooting situations. Hey, living in Florida USA this time of year is terrible for outdoor activity let alone photography so I get that but at least where you are its probably much more transient.

I am really liking what I see there, the close focus potential is very nice with nice details and sharpness at f1.2 where it counts and really beautiful CV bokeh and transition zone. Overall rendering is very nice and characteristic of CV.

The distant shots are also appealing with enough compression to make things interesting...I do a lot of landscape so this should work well I think for some of what I like to use a short tele for. Interesting about the lens being capable of past infinity focusing so I guess we have a little buffer for various environmental conditions that may affect those low dispersion elements that are part of the design. Hopefully these elements tame CA by a fair amount but even if not its correctible enough.

The lens itself looks nicely balanced on that XS10 so it should be similar on my XT5. I rarely shoot with a hood so I would also be interested how it fares without it...once the weather cooperates of course.

I really wish I could get one soon, but so far its quiet over here with only a few options on ebay (marked up pricing of course) so I'll just have to be patient.

Sep 07, 2023 at 10:49 AM
Juha Kannisto
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p.2 #19 · p.2 #19 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

This weekend I was able to shoot much more with the lens on both days so here are links to albums with a lot more samples. Most of them were taken at either f4 or f1.2 and a handful were on in-between apertures. I used C1 Pro to apply my preferred Fuji Film Simulations on them (some different ones depending on each photo) and I adjusted exposure a bit on some of them and exported the files from Raw. No other processing and I have all noise reduction turned off in C1 Pro.

On Saturday I shot a bit at Ebisu, then went to Ginza and walked back from there and took a lot of photos on the way. There were some bits of sunshine here and there but the weather wasn't as good as it was on Sunday.

Today (Sunday) I shot some local Matsuri action (traditional Japanese festivals around Shibuya) and some other stuff around Ebisu, Shibuya and Daikanyama. It was a bit hard to focus on the moving festival action fast enough with this manual focus lens on my X-S10 and some of my Matsuri action shot didn't have the focus exactly on target, but that was to be expected. Usually I'd shoot this kind of action with AF instead but this time I wanted to use the new lens.

Sunday: https://photos.app.goo.gl/okY2sY1zGy8MTFxA7
Saturday: https://photos.app.goo.gl/UGBr69JnyWnpY7Ye9

I'm very happy with the results I got with the lens. I also think it is very resistant to flare, I took some test shots directly at sun and there wasn't much loss of contrast or veiling flare at all. I didn't include those shots in these albums though. Looking forward to using the lens more

Sep 10, 2023 at 11:49 AM
Fred Miranda
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p.2 #20 · p.2 #20 · New Cosina Voigtländer 50/1.2 for Fuji X announced for September

Juha Kannisto wrote:
This weekend I was able to shoot much more with the lens on both days so here are links to albums with a lot more samples. Most of them were taken at either f4 or f1.2 and a handful were on in-between apertures. I used C1 Pro to apply my preferred Fuji Film Simulations on them (some different ones depending on each photo) and I adjusted exposure a bit on some of them and exported the files from Raw. No other processing and I have all noise reduction turned off in C1 Pro.

On Saturday I shot a bit at
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Thank you for sharing those samples, Juha! My copy of the lens performs similarly to yours in terms of resolution, contrast, and rendering. Regarding the rendering, I particularly appreciate the uncorrected spherical aberration when the lens is wide open. This effect is more noticeable at close distances but remains present at all distances at f/1.2 and f/1.4. It results in images with slightly lower contrast, which I find very pleasing for portrait photography.

The transition zone in the bokeh is not extremely smooth, which aligns with my preference. However, when focusing on a subject at close distances, the blur effectively smooths things out. At medium and long distances, I do observe some outlining, which adds a unique character to the images but doesn't become distracting. I believe the 50/1.2 lens has a bit more character compared to the 75/1.9 Ultron. I plan to conduct a side-by-side comparison to further evaluate their differences.

I'm glad Cosina developed compact lenses with more character for the X-mount differentiating itself from the well-corrected, modern and also impressive Fuji AF lenses.

Sep 10, 2023 at 12:10 PM
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