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Now that the new Sony A7 and A7r have been announced we all want to know about their performance with wide-angle range-finder type of lenses (35mm and below). On APS-C Nexes they have problems in various degrees with corners/edges; smearing and color casts.
Reading the early specs the A7r seem to have an advantage over the A7 as it has "off-set microlenses". Sony illustrates it like this; to the left traditional surface and to the right off-set micro lenses to better harvest light coming in with a steeper angle.
Please share any findings on the subject.
The first WA RF shot I've seen, A7r with Zeiss ZM 18/4:
Lots of PP, cropped and way too small. But it's a first. Found in one of the links posted in the mega-prayer-thread. "Brian Smith Pictures".
U P D A T E - NOV 22 - 112 pages later
This thread asked for it and got its fair share of speculation and corner pixel peeping galore @ 36MP. Summary:
- A7 is clearly better than A7r for WA RF lenses
- Many RF lenses below 35 show corner/edge issues (*), worse so on A7r than on A7.
- Most RF lenses above 35mm seem just fine
(- SLR lenses all seem fine, including WAs)
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(*) many of the RF WA lenses deemed unusable for landscaping will perform just excellent for short DOF photography.
- - - -
Two very fine cameras indeed. For me personally 24MP no doubt, not only because of WA RF's performance.
These cameras are not Leica replacements. Leica fosters better for the type of lenses particular for this thread. In house software corrections are part of that but not all. Leica is still Leica. But the Sonys bring superior resolution, dynamic range, size advantage, and usability to the table. Add to that within parenthesis, (affordability).
N. Feans image@Flickr.
Untitled by N. Feans, on Flickr
Edited on Nov 22, 2013 at 04:44 PM · View previous versions