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contas wrote:
Congrats Thminhduc, Apo-Makro-Planar is the legend, it has the best optical corrections or may only second to the Zeiss SA lens, I see your copy is fine, try it with non-AA filter camera and you are in... .
@Gunzorro: I always buy cheap from Ebay and correct it and save alot.
@Mesca: Are you serious?, I would like to see your stunning moments.
Not sure if we didnt get lost in translation..
I meant that SD1M is crazy good (insane) BW machine. Only thing close to it is that Achromat back from Phase One. Well and M-M produces nice files too. But both of them are BW only, while SD1M can do colors too.
Level of detail from SD1M + medium format lens is stunning..