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Archive 2012 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

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p.11 #1 · p.11 #1 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

The samples you posted look wonderful. Regarding weight, CSJ 180/2.8 P6 is quite heavy too, but the results are special. How do you like the ULD's colour output in relation to your Zeiss?

May 06, 2013 at 02:44 AM
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p.11 #2 · p.11 #2 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Too soon to say,especially to compare to the Zeiss.
From the very 1st glance is:
Not yet got 3D effect with this, but waiting.
The clarity and contrast are somehow very near but not reached the Zeiss level yet IMHO.
Sharpness and resolution are the same as Zeiss Apo-Makro-Planar IMHO.
Peripheral corrections equal Apo-Makro -Planar, those both have floating systems to correct edges and corners IMHO.
Chromatic aberration: still produces small green fringing and easily erased in SPP, while Apo-Makro-Planar almost non.
Colors reproduction is the same of Zeiss, have no difficulty to mod them.

May 07, 2013 at 12:15 AM
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p.11 #3 · p.11 #3 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

joeisayo wrote:
Anyone try a Pentax 67 105mm F/2.4 lens on 35mm FF?
I love the look of that lens on my 67II.

I bought an Chinese adapter touted to focus to infinity, but it came up short. I think I got around 25' from my Pentax 67 lenses. I was really hoping to use my 75/2.8 ASPH, which is a great lens. I wanted a shift adapter so I could try my 45mm and 55mm lenses, but either none were available, or they were too outrageously expensive for playing around.

You shouldn't have any problem with IQ, as these are all really well corrected lenses, as I'm sure you know! I keep my 67 II kit in distant hope of someday using it for digital.


PS -- Just checking: Fotodiox guarantees infinity focusing for $79.95. Not bad if it works.


May 07, 2013 at 01:06 AM
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p.11 #4 · p.11 #4 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Gunzorro wrote:
I bought an Chinese adapter touted to focus to infinity, but it came up short. I think I got around 25' from my Pentax 67 lenses.

This short-sighted adaptor, caused by elongated FFD than needed.The correction is surprisedly simple for adaptor that has separated mount (like the one from the link above)and no cure for monolithic adaptor.
1- Take apart the mount from the tube.
2- Grind the rear part of the tube evenly by Dremel abrasive disk, if you don't known for sure, do it a little then try it on until get the infinity vision.If you don't have the Dremel or can't stand the high speed, use the grind-stone from the kitchen. Good Luck

May 07, 2013 at 02:38 AM
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p.11 #5 · p.11 #5 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Return to the salt-barn.
This time Mamiya RZ67 50mm F/4.5 ULD, @11.0 on Sigma SD1 Merrill Iso 100 1/400s, handheld.

May 20, 2013 at 03:06 AM
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p.11 #6 · p.11 #6 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Mamiya RZ67 50mmULD, @11.0 on Sigma SD1 Merrill Iso 100 1/160s, handheld.


Edited on May 21, 2013 at 09:21 PM · View previous versions

May 21, 2013 at 05:33 AM

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p.11 #7 · p.11 #7 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Contax 120 f/4 Makro Planar on D700

May 21, 2013 at 09:50 AM
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p.11 #8 · p.11 #8 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

contas -- Thanks for the tip, but I got rid of the adapter on eBay. I may try again with one sold in the US by Fotodiox. I really would like a shifting adapter like the Mirex to try my 45mm and 55mm.

May 21, 2013 at 10:01 AM
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p.11 #9 · p.11 #9 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

BW from SD1M is insane.. I dont think I saw anything close to it. Only from Phase One 40+ Achromat digital back.

May 21, 2013 at 11:47 AM
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p.11 #10 · p.11 #10 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Congrats Thminhduc, Apo-Makro-Planar is the legend, it has the best optical corrections or may only second to the Zeiss SA lens, I see your copy is fine, try it with non-AA filter camera and you are in... .
@Gunzorro: I always buy cheap from Ebay and correct it and save alot.
@Mesca: Are you serious?, I would like to see your stunning moments.

May 21, 2013 at 09:12 PM
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p.11 #11 · p.11 #11 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

contas wrote:
Congrats Thminhduc, Apo-Makro-Planar is the legend, it has the best optical corrections or may only second to the Zeiss SA lens, I see your copy is fine, try it with non-AA filter camera and you are in... .
@Gunzorro: I always buy cheap from Ebay and correct it and save alot.
@Mesca: Are you serious?, I would like to see your stunning moments.

Not sure if we didnt get lost in translation..

I meant that SD1M is crazy good (insane) BW machine. Only thing close to it is that Achromat back from Phase One. Well and M-M produces nice files too. But both of them are BW only, while SD1M can do colors too.

Level of detail from SD1M + medium format lens is stunning..

May 22, 2013 at 01:47 PM

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p.11 #12 · p.11 #12 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

My SD1M is shipped and should be here by Friday. I can't wait to join the club.

My plan is to get a Mir-26V 3.5/45mm for Pentacon 6 mount first. Then get a tilt adapter from Pentacon 6 to M42 and a M42->Sigma SA adapter (all from eBay). Am I on the right track?

Edit: Should have been Mir-26B

Edited on May 22, 2013 at 11:28 PM · View previous versions

May 22, 2013 at 05:32 PM
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p.11 #13 · p.11 #13 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Not sure if we didnt get lost in translation..

I meant that SD1M is crazy good (insane) BW machine. Only thing close to it is that Achromat back from Phase One. Well and M-M produces nice files too. But both of them are BW only, while SD1M can do colors too.

Level of detail from SD1M + medium format lens is stunning..

You don't have to explain, got what you meant.
I was just afraid the frank opinion may cause a resentment of MF users.

Edited on May 24, 2013 at 11:49 PM · View previous versions

May 22, 2013 at 09:05 PM
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p.11 #14 · p.11 #14 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Welcome Kkibrisli, now you are on a ...rough trek .
For Mir 26V that's right path.
For Apo-Makro-Planar, pls read this :
contas wrote:
For SD1 there no easy meal like for Canon, Nikon, Nex.A closest adaptor is Kipon-EOS with mechanical iris:

You can replace EF mount by M42-SA mount:


Usually m42-SA mount is less 0.5mm than EF mount so you need to add a shim.Further more if you want to have a AF confirm you can follow my instructions on the top of this page.

Do thing slowly step by step and keep asking

May 22, 2013 at 09:15 PM

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p.11 #15 · p.11 #15 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Thank you contas for all your help. All your pictures with these two lenses are stunning.

I'll start with MIR 26V and take some time to practice. I've read all your posts and learned that Apo-Makro-Planar is more challenging to convert. That's why I left it for later. Thanks for your encouragement.

May 22, 2013 at 10:59 PM
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p.11 #16 · p.11 #16 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Gunzorro wrote:
I bought an Chinese adapter touted to focus to infinity, but it came up short. I think I got around 25' from my Pentax 67 lenses. I was really hoping to use my 75/2.8 ASPH, which is a great lens. I wanted a shift adapter so I could try my 45mm and 55mm lenses, but either none were available, or they were too outrageously expensive for playing around.

You shouldn't have any problem with IQ, as these are all really well corrected lenses, as I'm sure you know! I keep my 67 II kit in distant hope of someday using it
...Show more

Just bought this adapter off ebay: here are a couple of test shots on a Sony a850 with the 105/2.4:

DSC03707 by alwang, on Flickr

DSC03702 by alwang, on Flickr

May 24, 2013 at 09:15 PM
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p.11 #17 · p.11 #17 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Mamiya RZ67 50mm ULD, @5.6 on Sigma SD1 Merrill Iso 100 1/320s.Handheld.It was strong wind.Feel 3D look, not sure much for Mamiya.Bokeh looked defferent from Zeiss.

Edited on May 28, 2013 at 12:27 AM · View previous versions

May 27, 2013 at 11:53 PM
Tri Tran
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p.11 #18 · p.11 #18 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Very 3D, I like.

May 27, 2013 at 11:59 PM
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p.11 #19 · p.11 #19 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Apo-Makro-Planar, @13.0 on Sigma SD1 Merrill Iso 100 1/500s.Cropped.

May 28, 2013 at 12:00 AM
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p.11 #20 · p.11 #20 · Medium format lenses converted on 35mm digitals.

Apo-Makro-Planar, @5.6 on Sigma SD1 Merrill Iso 100 1/200s.

May 28, 2013 at 12:04 AM
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