ebrandon Offline Upload & Sell: Off
I have the:
- CY Zeiss 45mm f2.8
- the extremely similar Nikon 45mm f2.8
- the Voigtlander 40mm f2 in Nikon mount
- the Minolta 40mm f2 m mount
- Contax G 45mm f2
- Pen f 40mm f1.4
all of which I've used on both NEX and m43.
My copy of the Nikon is very slightly better (sharper, better edges & corners) than my copy of the CY Zeiss. It also comes with a super-awesome little hood.
The Voigtlander is sharper and closer focusing but has less character. It comes with a close up lens and a hood just like the Nikon above.
The minolta is great, but suffers from focus shift and I don't like the focus tab. Pictures look spectacular, though.
The Contax deserves is reputation as one of the sharpest most contrasty lenses ever, but requires special fiddly adapters, and doesn't have a lovely bokeh as the tessars or the minolta.
The pen f 40mm f1.4 is a fun toy with a lot of character, extremely good center performance, but not to be used wide open and the edges & corners are not in the same league as the lenses above.