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  Previous versions of Leah Hallett's message #16300022 « Lion's Head Nebula Sh2-132 »


Leah Hallett
Upload & Sell: On
Lion's Head Nebula Sh2-132

tschopp wrote: Your certainly welcome to post here, but I would guess you are already shooting at a technical level beyond most here as far as astro. I was thinking cloudynights would be a better option for help at the level your at.

If I can ask, what is it you don't like about the stars? I like the diffraction spikes on the bright stars. I assume they are from the support to a secondary mirror in your scope and not added in post. I see some stars that are very small and others that are larger. So the larger stars could be from blooming due to some lens aberration or maybe the star is behind the nebula and is a result of forward scattering of the dust in the nebula, so nothing to fix.

The stars are not round especially in the corners. Kine or egg shape with a tail. Almost looks like trails but it's not. I replaced the fan in the ASI 2600mm last night with the silicone hold downs instead of screws and the sorbothane washers - but the stars are only a tad better. I must have some tilt, lens aberration or SOMETHING? I was hoping it wasn't lens aberration. I just started this hobby in March and this is my first scope. It was a new scope to the market and maybe not quite ready for prime time.

I actually do add the star spikes in post uses StarSpikes Pro lol.

Thanks for the links!


Jul 23, 2023 at 04:37 PM
Leah Hallett
Upload & Sell: On
Lion's Head Nebula Sh2-132

tschopp wrote: Your certainly welcome to post here, but I would guess you are already shooting at a technical level beyond most here as far as astro. I was thinking cloudynights would be a better option for help at the level your at.

If I can ask, what is it you don't like about the stars? I like the diffraction spikes on the bright stars. I assume they are from the support to a secondary mirror in your scope and not added in post. I see some stars that are very small and others that are larger. So the larger stars could be from blooming due to some lens aberration or maybe the star is behind the nebula and is a result of forward scattering of the dust in the nebula, so nothing to fix.

The stars are not round especially in the corners. Kine or egg shape with a tail. Almost looks like trails but it's not. I replaced the fan in the ASI 2600mm last night with the silicone hold downs instead of screws and the sorbothane washers - but the stars are only a tad better. I most have some tilt, lens aberration or SOMETHING? I was hoping it wasn't lens aberration. I just started this hobby in March and this is my first scope. It was a new scope to the market and maybe not quite ready for prime time.

I actually do add the star spikes in post uses StarSpikes Pro lol.

Thanks for the links!


Jul 23, 2023 at 04:36 PM
Leah Hallett
Upload & Sell: On
Lion's Head Nebula Sh2-132

The stars are not round especially in the corners. Kine or egg shape with a tail. Almost looks like trails but it's not. I replaced the fan in the ASI 2600mm last night with the silicone hold downs instead of screws and the sorbothane washers - but the stars are only a tad better. I most have some tilt, lens aberration or SOMETHING? I was hoping it wasn't lens aberration. I just started this hobby in March and this is my first scope. It was a new scope to the market and maybe not quite ready for prime time.

I actually do add the star spikes in post uses StarSpikes Pro lol.

Thanks for the links!


Jul 23, 2023 at 04:35 PM
Leah Hallett
Upload & Sell: On
Lion's Head Nebula Sh2-132

tschopp wrote:
Leah Hallett wrote:
Ok, wrong place to post. I can’t delete it now. I’ll go elsewhere. For some reason I thought I remembered Astro postings here. I should have looked before posting.

The stars are not round especially in the corners. Kine or egg shape with a tail. Almost looks like trails but it's not. I replaced the fan in the ASI 2600mm last night with the silicone hold downs instead of screws and the sorbothane washers - but the stars are only a tad better. I most have some tilt, lens aberration or SOMETHING? I was hoping it wasn't lens aberration. I just started this hobby in March and this is my first scope. It was a new scope to the market and maybe not quite ready for prime time.

I actually do add the star spikes in post uses StarSpikes Pro lol.

Thanks for the links!


Jul 23, 2023 at 04:34 PM
Leah Hallett
Upload & Sell: On
Re: Lion's Head Nebula Sh2-132

The stars are not round especially in the corners. Almost looks like trails but it's not. I replaced the fan in the ASI 2600mm last night with the silicone hold downs instead of screws and the sorbothane washers - but the stars are only a tad better. I most have some tilt, lens aberration or SOMETHING? I was hoping it wasn't lens aberration. I just started this hobby in March and this is my first scope. It was a new scope to the market and maybe not quite ready for prime time.

I actually do add the star spikes in post uses StarSpikes Pro lol.

Thanks for the links!


Jul 23, 2023 at 04:26 PM

  Previous versions of Leah Hallett's message #16300022 « Lion's Head Nebula Sh2-132 »


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