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  Previous versions of Tim Kuhn's message #11300691 « Creating actions/darkening images selectively (large post) »


Tim Kuhn
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Creating actions/darkening images selectively (large post)

Please wait until I have loaded the whole tutorial before commenting. There will be 15 images

I have been asked to demonstrate how to darken selected parts of an image using Photoshop. There are various ways in which to do this. One is to select a brush, set the brush to Linear Burn, set the Flow and Opacity of the brush and have at it. That works fine but is limited in many ways, the next better way to do the same thing is to use a new layer set to Linear Burn. I’ll explain later why this is a better way to do the same thing. I’ll also demonstrate how to create an action that creates the new burn layer so that we can re-use this technique very quickly and easily. For those that don’t know what a Photoshop action is they are a simple program that you create within PS in order to save yourself lots of clicking around.
I am creating this tutorial on a computer running Windows, all keyboard shortcuts I may mention are Windows oriented, similar shortcuts exist in the Mac world they are just subtly different. Such as in Windows CTRL-J would be Option-J on a Mac machine.
I am not suggesting this is the best way to accomplish what we are doing here, I am using this as a demonstration of certain techniques.
I’m sure I may have missed a step or something along the way, I apologize if I have. I also assume the reader has a smidgeon of PS knowledge but still I have tried to include all the steps necessary.
Let’s get started

1 Open an image in PS.

Jan 26, 2013 at 12:03 PM

  Previous versions of Tim Kuhn's message #11300691 « Creating actions/darkening images selectively (large post) »


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