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ISO1600 wrote:
such great gear, and nice shots too- but why aren't you developing it yourself?
B&W is easy, all you need is a dark-ish room or changing bag, a tank, and $25 worth of chemicals will last you a while. This way you get the full experience, more control, and it pays for itself after a few rolls. I can't THINK of paying to have my B&W machine developed, or paying somebody else to soup it.
I'm not trying to be an elitist prick or anything, just recommending you try it out, if you haven't done it already. I have about a dozen rolls i need to dev myself....Show more →
didnt take it as you being an elitist at all! its actually a good suggestion. i guess I am just starting to get my feet wet with film, so I dont want to take on too much too soon...sounds silly, but I am still concentrating on loading film properly, focusing accurately, and exposing properly.
truth is that I only started taking photos about 4 years ago and started with a digital rebel, not film. i only recently started shooting film when a relative gave me an old yashica. I got two BW rolls developed and saw the difference that everyone was talking about. hell, my wife even can see the difference in the BWs (and she pays NO attention to photography).
I'll have to do some reading on how to develop my own stuff. thanks for the kick in my butt!
BTW, really nice photos everyone!