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Does your MkIII have AF issues?
Yes, it absolutely has a focusing problem PollPollPoll 122 7%
No, it seems to work fine (similar to previous 1-Series bodies) PollPollPoll 126 7%
I'm not sure yet PollPollPoll 52 3%
[I just want to see the results...] PollPollPoll 1454 83%
Total Votes 1754 100%

Archive 2007 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Alistair Watson
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p.2 #1 · p.2 #1 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

dhphoto wrote:
I don't own a 1D3, I'm holding off until these problems are sorted out.

What I would like to know if whether Canon has taken any proper interest in this yet or whether they are still sitting on their hands about the issue

Does anyone know the latest?


I was speaking to Canon CPS in the UK all the week before last. Monday to Thursday they were keen to note down details of the problem. Friday (after all the CPS techs were in a meeting) suddenly they became all official in their responses. Given no assistance at all, I returned my camera to the dealer. Even the dealer tried to call CPS on my behalf to get some sense given that they weren't exactly happy to refund me £3000. The last I heard, last week, was that Canon CPS UK didn't consider the AF on the Mark 3 a problem but were still keen to learn of owner's problems with it.

Jul 01, 2007 at 04:41 PM
Dauv McNeely
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p.2 #2 · p.2 #2 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

I am so glad I did NOT plunk down $4400.00 dollars for this thing.
Man, age has been good to me, I seem to be getting more and more patient with age which is so incredibly different than I used to be....say about 5 years ago.
My ego had me in line to get one of these within the first 2 weeks they were available, but my common sense had me hold off until all the "bugs" were worked out.
Thank you common sense, I respect you more now.

Jul 01, 2007 at 06:25 PM
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p.2 #3 · p.2 #3 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Hi Dauv,

Not everyone who owns this thing has had an issue. I did plunk down $4500.00 for this incredible camera.
Glad you are learning the virtue of being patient. When you are privileged to grow as old as I am you may have a set back of patients. How much longer are you going to be on the planet? Have been enjoying this improved technology for a month.
Not sure about the common sense comment. If you do not have this camera you should not comment about its use good or bad!

NIce to read that you are not in photography for the ego.
I am now putting on my flame retardant suit..............


Jul 01, 2007 at 07:30 PM
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p.2 #4 · p.2 #4 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Leehman wrote:
I am now putting on my flame retardant suit..............



What does someone telling us his personal feelings (somewhat smugly AFAIC) about not buying the camera add to a discussion about 1DmkIII AF issues. I agree with you that maybe it's time for non mkIII owners to get off the field and take a seat in the bleachers.

Jul 01, 2007 at 07:40 PM
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p.2 #5 · p.2 #5 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Thanks Lee, I had bitten my tongue as those type of comments just aggravate me. Oh well I am just clicking away and like you enjoying every time I get to use this. I am going to put it through its paces as I leave for Europe and 2 weeks of soccer.

I agree with you that maybe it's time for non mkIII owners to get off the field and take a seat in the bleachers.

Jul 01, 2007 at 07:43 PM
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p.2 #6 · p.2 #6 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

concur with the above..........I have the MKIII, it is awesome. The only problem I am having at the moment is evaluating the improvement in IQ over my 1DSMKII.



Jul 01, 2007 at 09:04 PM
Dauv McNeely
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p.2 #7 · p.2 #7 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Hi fellas,
Sorry for ruffling your feathers, that certainly was NOT my intention, I guess I should have been more considerate to those of you "players" from over here in the bleachers, my only point (had I placed more emphasis on others feelings before I posted observations of my own growth) was that I am really happy that I have waited, I would be much more aggravated by dropping $4500.00 on a system that appears to be flawed than the comments of "non owners" (bleacher sitters).
I am really happy that you guys have them and are tickled pink with them, my luck would place me squarely in the crowd with all of the lemons that are apparently out there had I pulled the trigger.
That being said, I am sure as they identify the flaw and fix it, I will put on my jersey and join you all out there on the (lawn bowling) field?

Jul 01, 2007 at 10:28 PM
Jim Victory
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p.2 #8 · p.2 #8 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

I guess I must be one of the fortunate ones because my MKIII has performed perfectly since I got it 5/31. I have put it through all of the test cited by various forums and articles and it hasn't shown any AF problems.

It is funny but the first day after I received it I took it out and put about 800 shots on it. I was amazed at the the IQ compared to my 1DsMKII and equally amazed at the numebr of shots in focus compared to my 1DMKIIn.

It wasn't until the post in other forums and Rob's review that I was wondering if maybe something may be wrong with mine but I haven't noticed it yet. After over 5000 shots, many testing all of the reported problems, I still haven't experienced a problem.

I can understand the apprehension of others about buying one with all of the reports. It would probably be better for you to wait and see what happens.

For those of you that are having problems I understand your frustration too. If it was me in your shoes I would definitely be upset too. Hopefully Canon will make it right soon.

For those of you that are happy with your MKIII join the club. This camera is great!


Jul 02, 2007 at 12:36 AM
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p.2 #9 · p.2 #9 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?


Did you play with your settings much or just run stock?

Jul 02, 2007 at 06:51 AM
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p.2 #10 · p.2 #10 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Wickedfn4u wrote:
I agree with you that maybe it's time for non mkIII owners to get off the field and take a seat in the bleachers.

Lighten up, guys. There are a lot of us out here who have been watching this camera with a lot of interest. While I shoot primarily Nikon, I've considered the MkIII as a good camera in the Canon line to consider, primarily for filling in holes in the Nikon lineup. Oh yeah, I realize it is a great camera regardless of what I am shooting, but I've got a huge investment I Nikon and would struggle doing a switch to only Canon at this time.

But when 34 out of 75 responders have had auto-focus problems, that is not a good sign. Canon has a great reputation on pro gear, so I'm sure this will be a thing of the past very soon. And frankly, it is the non-MkIII owners who have the greatest interest in this issue, as they are trying to make a purchase system on what could be a flawed system. It's not that much different than the problems with the D200 when it came out (though I didn't experience that one either, it doesn't mean the problem didn't exist.) Ultimately they fixed the problem and life goes on.

I'm glad to see this isn't a problem with 100% of the cameras, and suspect it will be just a memory before we know it. Ever since I shot my friend's 5D, I've been considering a Canon system in my house. (You can hear the sounds of my wife groaning - "Not another camera setup!") Maybe soon I'll add a MkIII to my system too. I guess that would get me "off the bleachers."

Jul 02, 2007 at 10:09 AM
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p.2 #11 · p.2 #11 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Some people are sitting in the bleachers and some are on the fence . The majority of people reading and commenting here, I believe, are more of the the later group. I am sure after the dust has settled, quite a bit of them will jump onto the field.

Jeff, I am still undecided but so far it looks like my copy of this camera is fine. The AF is at least the same if not better than my 1Ds MarkII. Are you going to update this poll on a regular basis to reflect the changes since I am about to change mine from "not sure" to the second category? Of course, that if you believe that quite a bit of people are or will be changing their mind after having the chance to play with the camera for some time.

Jul 02, 2007 at 10:32 AM
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p.2 #12 · p.2 #12 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

eaglewolf wrote:
Lighten up, guys. There are a lot of us out here who have been watching this camera with a lot of interest. While I shoot primarily Nikon, I've considered the MkIII as a good camera in the Canon line to consider, primarily for filling in holes in the Nikon lineup. Oh yeah, I realize it is a great camera regardless of what I am shooting, but I've got a huge investment I Nikon and would struggle doing a switch to only Canon at this time.

But when 34 out of 75 responders have had auto-focus problems, that is not a good
...Show more

Perfectly understandable, but this thread is to discuss AF issues not "why I won't be getting a mkIII right now and the story of my personal journey to reach that state of self-enlightenment"

There was another thread going for a while to that effect though, didn't make much sense to me to follow it since that's no longer a decision I have to worry about.

I know "lighten up"

Jul 02, 2007 at 12:15 PM
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p.2 #13 · p.2 #13 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

It seems that in general on many of the boards that the chatter is dying down or at least not as frequent. I think we are going to be in a wait and see what Canon says at this point.
(1) Nothing is wrong and folks need to fine tune their CF for their use; (2) certain cameras based on production plant are defective and send in for a repair; (3) firmware fix

I predict 2 and/or 3 -- these two are not mutally exclusive.

Jul 02, 2007 at 01:19 PM
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p.2 #14 · p.2 #14 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

I think that the point is that many are looking at this camera with some consideration, but not with this focus issue. I am waiting for it to be resolved (among other things) before I will even consider buying one. From the standings in the poll right now, it appears that around 60% of those participating in the poll are also sitting on the sidelines waiting for this to be resolved.

Jul 02, 2007 at 01:23 PM
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p.2 #15 · p.2 #15 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

rd4tile wrote:
Perfectly understandable, but this thread is to discuss AF issues not "why I won't be getting a mkIII right now and the story of my personal journey to reach that state of self-enlightenment"

Ahh, I see! Though I have to admit, I've never seen a camera as providing a "state of self-enlightenment," regardless of the brand name on it.

Jul 02, 2007 at 01:44 PM
Jim Victory
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p.2 #16 · p.2 #16 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

rd4tile wrote:

Did you play with your settings much or just run stock?

I had to play with them because they didn't translate well from the 1DMKIIn. here is what I'm using now. Some are just personal preference and on C.Fn III - 8 sometimes when I want to use just the center point I will change to the default setting.

C.Fn I: Exposure

C.Fn II: Image/Flash Exposure/Display

C.Fn III: AF/Drive
2- Fast

C.Fn IV: Operations/Others

Jul 02, 2007 at 02:39 PM
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p.2 #17 · p.2 #17 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

A poll for m3 ownership is one thing while allowing the voters to post comments is quite another. IMO once comments from the m3 ownership are posted including information such as shooting conditions, lenses used, object types, static and/or dynamic AF tests of the subject objects, tripod mounted, other cameras used in the test, etc., then the thread is wide open for discussion and scrutiny regardless of m3 ownership.

Because of reported m3 AF issues by competent photographers I've put off purchasing an m3 as a companion to my m2 and instead purchased another 30D in the interim (an interim that might go as long as a year until the AF issue settles with the VAST majority of shooters reporting goodness). You can bet I'm darn interested in the posted comments and at my discretion may ask questions to posters and maybe even share my opinion(s) regarding the breath of m3 owner's answers (i.e. camera sucks or camera is great).

Nobody should be (1) discouraged from voicing an input or (2) generally bullied about because they don't happen to own an m3 as of this writing.

Okay, here is something really stupid for everybody to think about. Maybe we should consider discouraging m3 owners from posting comments without examples of the overall scene including EXIF data, 100 percent crops of the OOF areas, a mark on the image to show where they actually had the AF point aimed at, and radar gun information regarding the velocity of dynamic subjects. The list of particulars could go on and on but obviously it wouldn't make sense to discourage comments that are lacking fifty million shooting facts because there would be nobody reporting/sharing their experiences, good or bad. Clearly no discussion on the AF subject would indeed be a very bad thing.

Bottom line, everybody, regardless of m3 ownership should be encouraged to comment because "all the comments" help create a "big picture" regarding the state of the m3 and associated issues.


Joe Kurkjian

Jul 02, 2007 at 04:25 PM
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p.2 #18 · p.2 #18 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

Joe while I agree with you whole heartedly that everyone should be able to voice their opinion, but we don't have to agree, accept or believe it. The post had nothing to do with the AF issue but more their feeling of being vindicated for waiting and saying those that purchased this camera did not use common sense. This is a great place for building ideas, sounding thoughts or searching out problems, but that comment just did not fit the subject does your M3 have AF issues.

Jul 02, 2007 at 05:41 PM
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p.2 #19 · p.2 #19 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

eaglewolf wrote:
Ahh, I see! Though I have to admit, I've never seen a camera as providing a "state of self-enlightenment," regardless of the brand name on it.

Sorry I got a little facetious with that, Dauv's original post just seemed like such a revelation (to him).

I do think it's time to tone down the "I'm so glad I waited" stuff because even with it's problems this camera is still well worth having. (IMHO of course)

Jul 02, 2007 at 08:55 PM
Dauv McNeely
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p.2 #20 · p.2 #20 · RE-POLL: MkIII have AF issues?

rd4tile wrote:
Sorry I got a little facetious with that, Dauv's original post just seemed like such a revelation (to him).

I do think it's time to tone down the "I'm so glad I waited" stuff because even with it's problems this camera is still well worth having. (IMHO of course)

Not really a revelation, but more of a confirmation that my instincts were right.

Man I am sorry that I whacked the hornets nest with my bleacher broom.
I do not do sub par well at all, and like I mentioned before, I would be screaming bloody murder if my new system were....well....sub par.

I really really really want one of these cameras, I can afford to go buy one right now, but my instincts told me to wait, even though the impulses were on high to pull the trigger a few weeks ago when I could have actually had one for retail on the spot.

I don't think it is any coincidence that they are back ordered everywhere, I think canon stopped shipping them in light of the "issue(s)".

Now, like many have mentioned, Canon is a behemoth and they will not be thwarted by a few (60%) buggy camera bodies, this will be a silly memory at some point and I will be among the "happy" owners then.

Until then the "Error 99" and the "Focus Malady" are enough to keep me in my current state of "enlightenment" thank you very much.

Jul 02, 2007 at 10:11 PM
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