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Photon wrote:
Chapter one of The Botany of Desire [Michael Pollan]!
What we need is John Chapman (the real Johnny Appleseed) holding a bunch of seeds from Kazakhstan, rather than a grafted (cloned) showy and boring industrial apple...
In an artistic vein, however, you've made beautiful use of light, color, and composition. I like it!
Now are you going to make proper use of that apple, and create some cider?
Thanks for the compliment. I am glad to know that you like it. Sorry to disappoint you with the industrial apple, but since the assignment lasts only a week (usually), I did not think that I would have the time to have the seeds flown in from Kazakhstan. I used a red delicious apple; definitely a misnomer. These things are like fruit cakes - they look pretty, but I don't think that anyone has ever actually eaten one.
As far as the cider is concerned, I think that I will stick with my watermelon wine.