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Ronny Olsson wrote:
Lovely set as always Greg !
Ronny, Thank You I greatly appreciate it.
clough91 wrote:
Awesome set! Your neighbor is lucky to be alive, I’d rather deal with a black bear than a cow moose! Most people don’t realize how aggressive they can be!
Thanks clough91 and I totally agree with you.
IndyFab wrote:
Wondeful series Greg, always enjoy your wildlife captures.
Indyfab, That's a great compliment, thank you. I really appreciate it.
Karl Witt wrote:
Super sweet connections here Greg! For me #5 is such a beautiful image, love the water and what it adds. These are really awesome pics and very nicely presented
Karl, Thank you. I always appreciate your feedback. Some of the best feedback I ever received came from you several years ago about paying attention to their legs.