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Bill Gass wrote:
Crazy beautiful...Nice work.
Really like #3 but they are all EXCELLENT.
Much appreciated! #3 is definitely an attention grabber.
Jeffrey wrote:
Great imaging Kyle. Deserved recognition!
Thanks a lot Jeffrey
Danpbphoto wrote:
Exceptional images Kyle! In Maryland we have been blessed at seeing a few Auroras and while in my family's cabin in N. Minn/Canada....most frequent. I got some great images! It is surreal and psychedilec!
Thanks for these Maryland beautiful compositions!
Thanks Dan. I spend a lot of time in Montana and it is amazing how often any chance of seeing anything at night is affected by weather. That was the case in Norway as well.
OwlsEyes wrote:
All of these are beautiful, but number three is amazing.... perfect aurora over the mountain with the lit up village to the right... so, very sweet!
well deserved thread of the week.
Thank you very much Bruce,
johnohio wrote:
Wow !! Just a killer set ! Congrats on well deserved win !!
Thanks a lot!
lightskyland wrote:
Extraordinarily good aurora / landscape photos!
Much appreciated
shuttersmasher wrote:
fascinating aurora
Thank you - this was my first time actually seeing it. I learned a lot.
Tim D. wrote:
These are amazing!! Number 2 and 3 are my favorites.
Thank you very much - glad you liked them