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snapsy wrote:
Not sure what technical reason Sony has to switching to using 12-bits for bulb exposures. Might have something to do with DSNU or hot pixels though not sure why those would warrant 12-bit operation.
There might not even be a technical limitation; it could be laziness, or apathy. It seems like several of these issues, including lossless RAW, could be solved if they had even one serious photographer on staff who could explain these issues to the engineers. Nikon gets it; Sony doesn't. Sony needs to hire away a couple of key folks from Nikon, and these things could be understood and worked out. Maybe improve Sony's color science while they're at it.
I mean, the A7R made it out the door with several atrocious faults--light leaks, horrible, photo-affecting shutter vibrations, etc. It's almost as if they don't even test this stuff.
So with the A7RII...they're closer. They're so close. But it still feels like we're doing their research and their beta testing for them. Very tough call, but I'm gonna bail on my pre-order, and stick w/ the D810 for now.
It seems incredibly ironic that Nikon produces a level of quality from the Sony sensor, that Sony itself cannot match. How bizarre, that they can only partially realize the genius of their own sensor.