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p.5 #5 · p.5 #5 · Canon 17mm f/4L TS-E Custom Filter Adapter | |
John Mills wrote:
I sent a message to Lee Filters today about whether they were looking at releasing a filter system for the TSE 17mm lens...some promising feedback from Graham Merritt of their Tech Sales division.
Hi John,
The SW150 system has been incredibly popular for the Nikon 14-24mm lens. Because of this, manufacturing capacity has been at maximum simply fulfilling orders for this one fitting. As the back order list has reduced, we are now looking at adapting this system for other lenses and the TSE 17mm is the first of these. We are at the prototype stage now, but have done no camera tests, so it is still early days.
All we can do is respond to customer requests and aside from the Nikon zoom, the Canon 17mm is by far the most requested alternative, so it makes sense to look at this one first. Other lenses will be considered as capacity allows and as demand dictates. I hope this explains the situation,
With regards, Graham Merritt - Tech Sales - LEE Filters....Show more →
If they produce a filter that allows full shift, I'm afraid it will be huge! I'm very excited to see this prototype. I will contact them.