TOP 15


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Total Posts: 1372

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Registered: Nov 20, 2008

Country: Germany

City: Hamburg

Working as optics engineer for a machine vision camera manufacturer.
Before that I was working as a highspeed video, infrared imaging and endoscopy technican.

Sony Alpha 7II and Canon EOS 5D with some adapted, some DIY converted and some modified lenses.
For example:
Canon FD 300mm/2.8 L - often speedboosted to 210mm f/2
Canon FD 400mm/2.8 L - often speedboosted to 280mm f/2
Rubinar 500mm f/5.6 - often speedboosted to 350mm f/4
Meyer Trioplan / Diaplan 100 - often speedboosted to ~70mm f/2
Liesegang 480mm f/3.8 - speedboosted to ~150mm f/1.2. Or used on my digital Ultra-Large-Format camera prototype based on inter image.
Visionar 183mm f/1.9 and different other odd old lenses in this class