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  Previous versions of coogee's message #16496545 « Rollei 35AF »


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Re: Rollei 35AF

Desmolicious wrote:
coogee wrote:
Desmolicious wrote:
RustyRus wrote:
I really want a compact film camera for an upcoming trip to Costa Rica-

I wish these came out already. Would buy one immediately. Anyone selling a good used original

Careful with the original. A 40mm lens that is guess focus only so good luck at larger apertures and close to mid distances. All the ones I’ve looked at have had shutter issues at speed below 1/30. Never met a camera more susceptible to being dropped - seriously try and find one that does not have a dented corner.

Just buy a cheap plastic p&s that takes great pics…

Scale focus - it's written on the lens. Close to mid isn't so hard. I know how far my arms reach is, a pace, an inert human body lying between me and my subject, two inert bodies end to end, penalty spot to goal line, wicket to wicket on a cricket pitch and so on. I am a human rangefinder (sounds better in a speak and spell voice!)..

Yes, I too like soft focus pics.

. I knew you'd be back!! There's definitely something special about the Sonnar (and the Tessar) in the humble Rollei. When it hits it hits, and generally stopped down a bit rather than wide open. But I can absolutely take out of focus pictures with any camera including those and probably this new one when I get hold of it!

I'm super interested to see what the lens in this new AF can do. The big blob of central veiling flare with the Sonnar or Tessar Rollei 35s is annoying and unpredictable.

I got thousands of blurred photos from my Rollei 35s over the years but mainly through movement by me or subject. I use it as a pocket camera that I'm glad I had and take places I would never take better cameras - for sure there are many other alternatives but my XA and XA4 is long long dead and my R35s just keep on going. I'm not taking the P&S journey you are on but am enjoying your trip!

Hai Yah!

(Rollei 35S)

Mar 12, 2024 at 06:15 PM

  Previous versions of coogee's message #16496545 « Rollei 35AF »


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