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  Previous versions of Scott Stoness's message #16339821 « Canon R5 II »


Scott Stoness
Upload & Sell: On
Re: Canon R5 II

gdanmitchell wrote:
armd wrote:
EB-1 wrote:
The R5 was a replacement for many DSLRs. The R5 II will naturally be a lesser upgrade and fewer people should feel the need to buy them initially. How well Canon manages the launch allocations is another issue.


Agree 100%. Those who expect a transformative camera in the release of the R5II will likely be disappointed...

On the other hand, some of us realized that a "transformative camera" like the R5, as good as it is, wasn't going to fundamentally change our photography, so we continued using what we used before, waiting for an actually "need" to upgrade and to see how things would shake out.

Some in this category — like me — who continued to use prior DSLRs may (we'll see) find that the time is now ripe to move to the R5 successor.

Also, Fwiw, I think that sticking with a 45MP sensor would be seen as "falling behind" at this point — against the backdrop of other manufacturers who have already move to higher resolution sensors, the fact that the 5Ds/5DsR already have 50 MP, and that it would make no increase in resolution beyond the 45MP R5.

I understand that there is an argument that "45MP is plenty," but that doesn't hold up so well in the broader marketplace. (For may part, as a person who does do photography in which resolution is not irrelevant, a 45MP R5II would strengthen my current thinking, namely that the switch to Canon mirrorless and new RF lenses provides me with a fine opportunity to consider non-Canon options, something I would not have done if EF lenses were still the norm. Instead of just looking at Canon at that point, I'd be more inclined to throw other options into the mix — Sony's maturing system, possibly the Fujifilm miniMF system, etc.)


I agree with you - for landscape photographers 45mpx leaves me looking over the fence at fuji and Sony and Nikon. It would be really nice to have a 80mpx + body, that is light (450grams) and without the AA filter. I would not be excited by stacked sensor.

60mpx vs 45 only increases print size/croppability by 15%. 80mpx would enable 33% bigger prints.

Sep 11, 2023 at 03:34 PM
Scott Stoness
Upload & Sell: On
Re: Canon R5 II

gdanmitchell wrote:
armd wrote:
EB-1 wrote:
The R5 was a replacement for many DSLRs. The R5 II will naturally be a lesser upgrade and fewer people should feel the need to buy them initially. How well Canon manages the launch allocations is another issue.


Agree 100%. Those who expect a transformative camera in the release of the R5II will likely be disappointed...

On the other hand, some of us realized that a "transformative camera" like the R5, as good as it is, wasn't going to fundamentally change our photography, so we continued using what we used before, waiting for an actually "need" to upgrade and to see how things would shake out.

Some in this category — like me — who continued to use prior DSLRs may (we'll see) find that the time is now ripe to move to the R5 successor.

Also, Fwiw, I think that sticking with a 45MP sensor would be seen as "falling behind" at this point — against the backdrop of other manufacturers who have already move to higher resolution sensors, the fact that the 5Ds/5DsR already have 50 MP, and that it would make no increase in resolution beyond the 45MP R5.

I understand that there is an argument that "45MP is plenty," but that doesn't hold up so well in the broader marketplace. (For may part, as a person who does do photography in which resolution is not irrelevant, a 45MP R5II would strengthen my current thinking, namely that the switch to Canon mirrorless and new RF lenses provides me with a fine opportunity to consider non-Canon options, something I would not have done if EF lenses were still the norm. Instead of just looking at Canon at that point, I'd be more inclined to throw other options into the mix — Sony's maturing system, possibly the Fujifilm miniMF system, etc.)


I agree with you - for landscape photographers 45mpx leaves me looking over the fence at fuji and Sony and Nikon. It would be really nice to have a 80mpx + body, that is light (450grams) and without the AA filter. I would not be excited by stacked sensor.

60mpx vs 45 only increases print size/croppability by 15%

Sep 11, 2023 at 03:30 PM

  Previous versions of Scott Stoness's message #16339821 « Canon R5 II »


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