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Re: Fuij 16mmF1.4 R WR and new 40MP sensors | |
Sauseschritt wrote:
Film cameras could indeed only reach the equivalent of about 50 Megapixels on 35mm film (thats for low sensitivity black and white film). If you would convert microfilm (that would be extremely insensitive and ugly black and white film with a strong color cast) to be used on 35mm film, merely about 2 Gigapixel could be reached on 35mm film. So yeah, those old film lenses only support such low resolutions at best.
There are many possible answers to the question of "how many megapixels can be captured in a 35mm film exposure?" I won't reignite this debate but the commonly accepted figure is around 8-15 MP for most 35mm film stocks.
But the important piece is that most consumer lenses were never intended to resolve up to the film's maximum resolution (in lp/mm); doing so was not cost-effective or necessary for most users. Plus the "practical" resolving power depends on a lot of other factors -- is the image in focus, what is the subject matter, what are the lighting conditions, what diffractions or aberrations are present, etc.
The gear matters, but only to a point -- and if you're primarily shooting for web use and occasional printing, the resolving power of the lens or the sensor matters very little. And you'll notice that pretty much no influential/famous/noted/admired/professional photographers are talking about resolving power. You're much better off learning the basics of storytelling, exposure, color theory, history of photography, post-production and so forth (or honing your knowledge of these topics if you already know the basics).