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mjgphotoz wrote:
Leighton, I really, really like the ergonomics, looks, and layout of the Zf. I already have the 28 and 40 SE lens and love them. I really love how my Z6ii works with them both in studio and for walkabout, ie kinda like a Z750 if you will. They are modern and not just in appearance and I can use my MF lens + FTZ with the Z6ii if I choose. It is my walkabout choice at this time.
The Df used F mount lens with no adapter and worked great at that. The images were very pleasing to me and I really hated to part with the Df and hoped I guess, that a Df 2 would appear some day with the exact layout of the new Zf. At first blush, the Zf physically looks like that camera. But, and it's a big but, I don't want Nikon to create manual focus Z lens to take the F mount's place. I actually want a digital camera that mounts like the Df, looks and functions like the Zf, and uses my old manual focus or F mount lens without using an adapter. This creature does not currently exist, nor is it likely to, with the advent of mirrorless. My feet are firmly in two worlds that will never be totally compatible.
Absent using a FTZ adapter, of which I have two, or a mythical yet to be available Nikon or third party adapter that pancakes nicely, while doing everything we would like it to do, I am not sure I want to spring for this camera when I can already use my D850 without an adapter or my Z8 or Z6ii with the adapters I already own. In other words, do I want to spend 2K to play? My leaning is towards no.
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It’s a matter of choosing which parts of each of the two (maybe three?) worlds to cling to. I don’t even fully understand all my own preferences and sensibilities - some of my choices aren’t fully rational. The Nikkor 28 and 40 Z SE lenses look the part and perform adequately, but I hate the plastic construction and adjusting focus and aperture “by wire”. They are a fairly good match for the Zfc, but I think for the Zf, I will want something more substantial. I like the old MF Nikkors, and don’t mind (even prefer) manual focus, but the lack of integration with the features of the Z cameras can be annoying.
I recently bought a Voigtlander 50/2 in Z mount and the moment I mounted it on a Z body, the stars aligned for me. Focusing is a joy with green box focus confirmation and focus peaking in the viewfinder, mechanical focusing and aperture selection on the lens, full communication with the camera for exposure and EXIF, and solid, substantial construction and reasonable size. And the images are pleasing to me (I won’t mention controversial things like 3D pop.) Not that the Nikkor 50/1.8 S is a bad lens, aside from being bulky and totally electronic, it just doesn’t make me smile as broadly. It will be interesting to see what the Zf adds to that experience (eye detect for manual focus).
I can see myself with two cameras in the future, a Z8 with Nikkor Z zooms, and a Zf with a variety of manual focus primes, including some MF Nikkors. I would not miss any of my DSLR bodies or AFS or AFD Nikkor lenses, assuming I ever actually get around to selling them. One of the reasons I’m ready to let go is the IBIS of the full frame Z cameras that works with any lens - I’m completely spoiled by that one feature. Which also means the Zfc has to go.