Stefan Steib Offline Upload & Sell: Off
Ok- I´m amazed that some have never seen a sharp picture from a Zeiss Lens before, so here we go : there is sample 15 on the with a cutout of full size 1:1. remember this is f 1:2,8 open aperture and no tripod was used with 400 Asa and a bouncer flash, background is already pretty dark twilight on Maidan/Kreshatik. This is not sharpened, only opened with Aperture and exported as cropped 1:1 Version.I guess there is not much to say about that.
Same applies to the other cutouts. Also to be mentioned is they are shot INTO the incoming sunlight, all open aperture and how good the saturation and shadow details are NO whatsoever manipulation done. If you can do this with a lensbaby - congratulations, than you are probably a genius. Me after 30 years of Largeformat Photography am quite Happy I can manage to do this with the Zeiss stuff.......
BTW the German aluminium has got a much higher density and resistance against scratches, but also costa about 3 times as much as normal stuff. The lenses are centered and measured with a Zeiss K6 computerized Measurement setup worth over 100k € so it´s made shure every lens is fit and mounted correctly.
This applies to the same standards as Zeiss uses.
Lensbaby.............Pah...........Good joke really.