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XT5 or GFX?

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p.3 #1 · p.3 #1 · XT5 or GFX?

chez wrote:
And when he gets caught holding the bag…he attacks yet again reinforcing his character. Must be something in that oil tainted water in Texas that brings this on.

You're one of the biggest trolls on this site and contribute close to nothing of value like a bunch of other characters in this thread.

PM me if you ever make a post that helps anyone besides your own ego

Glad you could trade a potato and 3 hours of work for a mansion to retire on while the rest of us were...as said...left holding the bag.

Sep 30, 2024 at 03:15 PM
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p.3 #2 · p.3 #2 · XT5 or GFX?

RoamingScott wrote:
You're one of the biggest trolls on this site and contribute close to nothing of value like a bunch of other characters in this thread.

PM me if you ever make a post that helps anyone besides your own ego

Glad you could trade a potato and 3 hours of work for a mansion to retire on while the rest of us were...as said...left holding the bag.

Bud, I’d hold off drinking that Texas water…something is definitely affecting you.

Oh…and I hope you got your answer in that previous thread about which camera to buy…after all, if you have to ask…then it definitely is not the GFX…as someone once said…oh…it was you.

Sometimes what goes around comes around and you step in it. 😂

Sep 30, 2024 at 03:35 PM
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p.3 #3 · p.3 #3 · XT5 or GFX?

RoamingScott wrote:
If you don’t know if you need an X-T5 or GFX, you don’t need the GFX.

Seriously man-

You turn more new users away with your attitude then you help-

How about for once, just don't comment if you have absolutely NOTHING to bring to the problem or question. As pointed out, you started the same thread before.

Just relax and let others create threads to help themselves just like you do.

Sep 30, 2024 at 04:27 PM
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p.3 #4 · p.3 #4 · XT5 or GFX?

johnvanr wrote:
You’re obviously not an American or trying to wed an American lady.

Nope, but regardless, an american ring won't be used in any meaningful way either.
With a camera you can create stuff. A ring is just a ring.

Sep 30, 2024 at 04:32 PM
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p.3 #5 · p.3 #5 · XT5 or GFX?

ariaziopi wrote:
Hey folks,

To put this in context, I'm only a hobbyist.

I'm currently using an XH1 as my main camera. I use it mostly for street, landscape, and travel photography but I'll do the occasional friend pics. Recently, I started printing my pictures for wall decorations and gifts, but some details have been lacking... Thus, I am interested in upgrading to get a higher resolution. I love the feel of the XH1 and I admit that I'm addicted to using the dials.

The thing is, I was able to get a stupid deal on an XT5 and a bunch of lenses
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I have a similar conundrum. I have been a Sony FE photographer since the first generation. Fujifilm was never something I considered.

This changed when I purchased a X-H1. I loved the body, handling and the colors. I moved on from this experience after a couple of years, but really missed the colors and and the body.

I purchased the X-H2S last year and consider it an almost perfect camera. I have also tried a Fujifilm GFX100S with a 80mm 1.7 lens at a Fuji event and loved the images.

I have been mulling going the X/GFX route and trading my extensive Sony system. One of the reasons I haven’t done it as yet is because of the library of lenses that cover a significant part of my various photographic interest.

I am kind of in a bind. At this moment I don’t want to maintain two mounts FE/X, but don’t want to give up Fujifilm colors.
I know X/GFX are different mounts but Fujifilm colors are worth it.

I have the A7RV, 2 A7RIII and pretty much all the GM primes and zooms with exception of the 300/400/600.
I am deciding if I should go A7RV/A9III or X/GFX.

I like traveling internationally quite a bit and last year in Italy I used an A7RIII with a 35mm 1.4 GM 95% of the time and the 5% an A7RIV with a 14-24 2.8 GM lens. So being light is important.

Edited on Sep 30, 2024 at 08:59 PM · View previous versions

Sep 30, 2024 at 08:18 PM
Geoff D F
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p.3 #6 · p.3 #6 · XT5 or GFX?

mdude85 wrote:
Correct. And the OP is currently using an XH1 which still should have no trouble making a sharp 9x9 print.

I used to be able to get sharp prints at that size from my first digital camera, a 5mp point and shoot, way back in 2003!

Sep 30, 2024 at 08:47 PM
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p.3 #7 · p.3 #7 · XT5 or GFX?

Makten wrote:
Nope, but regardless, an american ring won't be used in any meaningful way either.
With a camera you can create stuff. A ring is just a ring.

Well, my cameras have come and gone. My wife is still wearing that same ring after many years.

Oct 01, 2024 at 12:55 AM
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p.3 #8 · p.3 #8 · XT5 or GFX?

johnvanr wrote:
Well, my cameras have come and gone. My wife is still wearing that same ring after many years.

Nice! But hopefully it's not because of the ring.

Oct 01, 2024 at 04:46 AM
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p.3 #9 · p.3 #9 · XT5 or GFX?

Makten wrote:
Nice! But hopefully it's not because of the ring.

I’ll ask her

Oct 01, 2024 at 04:58 AM

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p.3 #10 · p.3 #10 · XT5 or GFX?

I have the GFX 100s and previously the XT5, both with an assortment of lenses. The XT5 is by far the most enjoyable camera that have ever used, beautiful retro design with incredible image quality in a compact form factor. I only sold it because the 100s spoiled me with image quality….I love the 100s, but it is chunky and am desiring something more compact. I am currently making the rounds with full frame to see how we get along, had the Z7 and sold it, picked up a Leica SL3, which is beautiful to look at but not so much to hold and will likely sell soon…I tend to buy used which is a great way to try out cameras, if you dont like it, sell it without much financial hit. I would encourage you to buy a used GFX camera and lens, give it a whirl, dont let anyone discourage you…you can always sell if it doesnt suit you….however, word of caution, the GFX image quality is addicting and APSC might never satisfy again.

Good luck

Oct 01, 2024 at 09:58 AM

Search in Used Dept. 

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p.3 #11 · p.3 #11 · XT5 or GFX?

Lifeinpictures wrote:
I have a similar conundrum. I have been a Sony FE photographer since the first generation. Fujifilm was never something I considered.

This changed when I purchased a X-H1. I loved the body, handling and the colors. I moved on from this experience after a couple of years, but really missed the colors and and the body.

I purchased the X-H2S last year and consider it an almost perfect camera. I have also tried a Fujifilm GFX100S with a 80mm 1.7 lens at a Fuji event and loved the images.

I have been mulling going the X/GFX route and trading my extensive Sony
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As a fellow prevaricator (I’ve watched the miniMF developments for a LONG time without moving to it), the lens issue has been the main one for me. That is not the case for everyone, but for some of us it very much is.

I continue to use a 50MP full frame system from another manufacturer. I mostly use this system for tripod-based landscape photography but also for some wildlife (migratory birds) photography during part of the year. I like long lenses for some of my landscape photography, so in the field I rely on 16-35mm, 24-70mm, 70-200mm, and 100-400mm lenses, plus a 1.4x TC, a 100mm macro, and occasionally a Pentax medium format 80-160mm on a Mirex TS adapter.

I know what works for me, and while I’m willing to adapt a bit around the edges I am not willing to give up basic functionality that I rely on in a significant way.

Hence, for me, the most significant issue that has kept me from moving to miniMF is that Fujifilm’s line-up of (very good) lenses doesn’t cover my needs, especially for long zooms. I could adapt my EF 100-400, but that isn’t a perfect solution. As you allude to, typical FF systems provide pretty much any lens option we might need — and it is either impossible to come close to replicating that on miniMF or it requires some functional compromises.

(This, of course, doesn’t apply to folks who rely on exactly the kinds of lenses that Fujifilm supplies for the GFX system.)

There’s a second issue, too. It is not subject to debate to say that the miniMF format can achieve higher IQ specs than a smaller format, all else being equal. However, the real questions are “will the spec difference make a significant positive difference in the quality of the photographs that I produce?” and “is any potential improvement in IQ of more significance in my work than other compromises that I may have to make to get it?” In a world where contemporary FF systems are truly excellent, those are pretty serious questions.

Photographers can and do come to different conclusions about this. I’ve been hanging onto my Canon 5DsR system for now, even though (or perhaps because) Canon moved to a new R system with RF lenses — so updating my Canon system would inevitably lead to replacing body and lenses. (Yes, I know about adapters.) This means that all brand options are on equal footing financially as I consider the possibilities: Canon, Sony, Nikon, Fujifilm GFX.

If Fujifilm made the lenses I need it is almost certain that I’d go ahead and move to GFX.(I would continue to pair it with my Fujifilm APS-C system.) But it doesn’t, and there are some other minuses regarding things like AF performance and camera speed, plus weight/size and price, of course. I’ve been looking more closely at Sony recently. The cameras are excellent, of course, and just about any lens option is available. Image quality is very good. There are some interesting camera-size options, too, even among their high-MP FF cameras.

Regarding “Fujifilm colors,” I’ve been using the x-trans cameras for about a dozen years now. Unless it is the simulations that give you the “colors” you like (and you can’t get there in post on your own with other systems), I haven’t found anything that special about the colors. Basically, I can get the colors I want from any system by applying appropriate post-processing settings, many of which I save as presets for starting points.

Is GFX a great system? It certainly is for a number of photographers whose work fits its particular strengths and aesthetic. I also think that those of us who are very attracted by the idea of a larger sensor (and I’m in this group) have to try to be pretty rational and objective about our own photographic needs and what system(s) best meet(s) them overall.

For example, I haven’t seen anything in the posts from our OP to suggest that the GFX is a rational choice for him or that it will improve his photography in the way he hopes. I get it that if one has enough money, wants to “scratch an itch,” and feels like trying something, it is fine to give it a try. But when the question is about the functional value of the choice I also think that we can make some pretty good estimates of the pluses and minuses of a system before doing that.


- - -

Also, sad to see what happened to this thread. Parts turned into a mini troll war, (by the usual mini trolls?) and another is a debate about engagement rings. ;-)

Edited on Oct 01, 2024 at 06:05 PM · View previous versions

Oct 01, 2024 at 10:54 AM
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p.3 #12 · p.3 #12 · XT5 or GFX?

ariaziopi wrote:
I thought the GFX50s could be that middle option. However, I risk losing out on IBIS, which I have with the XH1.

My shooting style tends to be HDR-focused (bracketed and working with an HDR screen). So my theory was that medium format also gives me that better post-process malleability (except none of that HDR translates to print lol). But, brackets plus large file sizes mean a lot of storage so I guess that's a consideration...

I took a look at your instagram and I don't really see how your style would benefit from the few extra stops of dynamic range afforded by the medium format sensor. The XT5's sensor already has plenty of dynamic range. Many people have a challenge in coaxing out that range when they're editing the photo if they have not mastered the post-processing tools. Using those tools requires just as much skill as actually taking a photo.

Oct 01, 2024 at 01:36 PM
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p.3 #13 · p.3 #13 · XT5 or GFX?

The 'leap' from the 26MP sensor to the 40MP sensor has to be one of the most underwhelming advancements in sensor technology over the past few years. I own and X-T5. I like the X-T5. But the raw files from the X-T3, and 24MP X-H1 for that matter, just look better. To my eye anyway. The GFX 100 is in a completely different realm, but I'm not sure it applies to your use case.

That said, you should be able to get highly detailed 9X9 images from your cell phone so as others have said, there might be something else to look at.

I agree with others who suggested to give the X-T5 a good try. Watch some tips on processing the files - that makes a big difference. Be sure to sharpen for printing. Paper doesn't work like screens.

Oct 01, 2024 at 02:29 PM
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p.3 #14 · p.3 #14 · XT5 or GFX?

jakelindsay wrote:
The 'leap' from the 26MP sensor to the 40MP sensor has to be one of the most underwhelming advancements in sensor technology over the past few years. I own and X-T5. I like the X-T5. But the raw files from the X-T3, and 24MP X-H1 for that matter, just look better. To my eye anyway. The GFX 100 is in a completely different realm, but I'm not sure it applies to your use case.

That said, you should be able to get highly detailed 9X9 images from your cell phone so as others have said, there might be something else
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I do not share your view about the various files in comparison to the XT5. In my case, the main comparison is to the 24MP XPro2, but I had an older 16MP body before that.

40MP XT5 (and other) files are quite good, holding a bit more detail than the lower resolution formats, while otherwise retaining or improving other measures of performance.

That aside, I’m with you on the fact that you could get a fine 9” x 9” print from a decent cell phone, and that sticking with the XT5 for now makes more sense for our OP than buying into miniMF.

Oct 01, 2024 at 02:48 PM
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p.3 #15 · p.3 #15 · XT5 or GFX?

gdanmitchell wrote:
I do not share your view about the various files in comparison to the XT5. In my case, the main comparison is to the 24MP XPro2, but I had an older 16MP body before that.

40MP XT5 (and other) files are quite good, holding a bit more detail than the lower resolution formats, while otherwise retaining or improving other measures of performance.

That aside, I’m with you on the fact that you could get a fine 9” x 9” print from a decent cell phone, and that sticking with the XT5 for now makes more sense for our OP than buying into
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There are people on both sides of the 26 v 40 files. Plenty in my camp, plenty in yours. And I respect yours and others take. Frankly, I wish I could figure out how to get the 40's to look how I want. But like I said, the 40 is still good enough for what I'm using that kit for.

Oct 01, 2024 at 03:08 PM
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p.3 #16 · p.3 #16 · XT5 or GFX?

jakelindsay wrote:
There are people on both sides of the 26 v 40 files. Plenty in my camp, plenty in yours. And I respect yours and others take. Frankly, I wish I could figure out how to get the 40's to look how I want. But like I said, the 40 is still good enough for what I'm using that kit for.

And to send some positive consideration back your way, too, I don’t think that many people with a good 26MP sensor camera will gain much by upgrading to a 40MP sensor. Those with lower MP cameras or those getting a first Fujifilm camera may well be happy to have 40MP.

Oct 01, 2024 at 06:02 PM
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p.3 #17 · p.3 #17 · XT5 or GFX?

Honestly, I think things like IBIS, ISO noise and AF matter more than 24/26 vs 40 arguments. I f the camera has decent enough AF, reasonably good noise and at least decent IBIS —which apparently the XH1 has already— then I would say the OP already owns something very workable for his stated purpose. “Upgrading” to an XH2 or XT5 will net him very little in the image quality department, though perhaps some minor AF gains. A GFX is definitely a step up as re IQ, but comes with all the added usage hassles (and costs) to glean that step up… Thus IMO, a change really only makes sense if he desires to try something new or different — which is a perfectly valid reason to do so. 👍

Oct 01, 2024 at 06:11 PM
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p.3 #18 · p.3 #18 · XT5 or GFX?

gear-nut wrote:
Honestly, I think things like IBIS, ISO noise and AF matter more than 24/26 vs 40 arguments. I f the camera has decent enough AF, reasonably good noise and at least decent IBIS —which apparently the XH1 has already— then I would say the OP already owns something very workable for his stated purpose. “Upgrading” to an XH2 or XT5 will net him very little in the image quality department, though perhaps some minor AF gains. A GFX is definitely a step up as re IQ, but comes with all the added usage hassles (and costs) to glean that step
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I’m with you on your initial point. If all else is equal, then the sensor could be the deciding factor OR if we’re complaining sensors with vastly different performance.

For my part, I think 40MP is worthwhile but not a night and day kind of thing. But the other model-to-model functional improvements, especially when a useful new feature is added or a shortcoming addressed? Those things can make an important difference.

Of course, with all feature changes, whether they be specifically IQ related or functionally focused, the potential buyer still needs to ask the difficult question: “Will this actually make a difference in my photography, and by how much?”

As to the “try something new and different” idea, I do not necessarily disagree with that — and I’m certainly unlikely to talk everyone who wants to drop a few (or many) thousand dollars just to scratch an itch out of doing so. But that isn’t really the question that is being asked here, right?

It seems to me that the OP is pretty clearly asking about potential functional/IQ differences that he wonders if he might see by upgrading. On that count, I’m still not seeing any good argument for a big upgrade and certainly not to a miniMF system.

Now if he asks: “Should I buy this really expensive camera because I kinda’ feel like getting it would be fun?” — we have a different kind of question and quite different answers than our OP seems to be looking for.

Oct 01, 2024 at 10:19 PM
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p.3 #19 · p.3 #19 · XT5 or GFX?

ariaziopi wrote:
Hey folks,

To put this in context, I'm only a hobbyist.

I'm currently using an XH1 as my main camera. I use it mostly for street, landscape, and travel photography but I'll do the occasional friend pics. Recently, I started printing my pictures for wall decorations and gifts, but some details have been lacking... Thus, I am interested in upgrading to get a higher resolution. I love the feel of the XH1 and I admit that I'm addicted to using the dials.

The thing is, I was able to get a stupid deal on an XT5 and a bunch of lenses
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I'd say use the X-T5, mostly doing the "sensible" thing and selling something to make money, I'd have been better off keeping and using it

40mp aps should be fine, generally speaking. I'm sure you can get advantages on GFX for some things but 40mp isn't bad at all. 24mp on your X-H1 should be great too, you probably need to figure out what is going on, there

Oct 01, 2024 at 10:28 PM
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p.3 #20 · p.3 #20 · XT5 or GFX?

gear-nut wrote:
Honestly, I think things like IBIS, ISO noise and AF matter more than 24/26 vs 40 arguments. I f the camera has decent enough AF, reasonably good noise and at least decent IBIS —which apparently the XH1 has already— then I would say the OP already owns something very workable for his stated purpose. “Upgrading” to an XH2 or XT5 will net him very little in the image quality department, though perhaps some minor AF gains. A GFX is definitely a step up as re IQ, but comes with all the added usage hassles (and costs) to glean that step
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Agree. I can only enjoy my GFX because it’s reserved for slow shooting. Before AF became really good in general, its slowness and the slowness of a camera starting up were my major pet peeves in most of my normal shooting. I could never only use GFX.

Oct 02, 2024 at 02:24 AM
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