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XT5 or GFX?


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p.1 #1 · p.1 #1 · XT5 or GFX?

Hey folks,

To put this in context, I'm only a hobbyist.

I'm currently using an XH1 as my main camera. I use it mostly for street, landscape, and travel photography but I'll do the occasional friend pics. Recently, I started printing my pictures for wall decorations and gifts, but some details have been lacking... Thus, I am interested in upgrading to get a higher resolution. I love the feel of the XH1 and I admit that I'm addicted to using the dials.

The thing is, I was able to get a stupid deal on an XT5 and a bunch of lenses (I planned to flip all of them since I've been content with my current camera setup, plus the extra cash would help with an engagement ring). I only used the XT5 once to guarantee it was in working order and to check the shutter count.

Pros of the XT5 are that I already have it and for a great deal. I'll just sell the lenses and I can keep using the ones I like. The concern is that it's still only APS-C.

Pros for GFX, larger sensor plus I've always dreamed of owning a medium format camera (either film or digital). The concern is that AF might be lacking in certain street situations.

Size is not an issue bc I have huge hands, hence the love for XH1.

Now that this resolution question has popped up, I'd love to hear y'alls insights. Should I consider keeping the XT5? Is it worth flipping to get a used GFX50s? Is it a good value to save up for used 100s?

Sep 29, 2024 at 04:12 PM
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p.1 #2 · p.1 #2 · XT5 or GFX?

How large are you printing?

Sep 29, 2024 at 04:55 PM
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p.1 #3 · p.1 #3 · XT5 or GFX?

Lenses for the GFX are more expensive too.

Sep 29, 2024 at 05:01 PM
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p.1 #4 · p.1 #4 · XT5 or GFX?

This is basically comparing oranges to watermelons. Having both the XH2 and GFX100s, and having owned the XT5 a short while ago, I can tell you that the UI on the GFX and XH2 is incredibly similar, while the XT5’s is archaic in comparison. But for its dials and UI, the XT5 may be your huckleberry.

As good as the APS-c 40mp files are, the GFX 100mp files are a magnitude better as far as post-process malleability and adjustability; and of course with 2.5x as many pixels, the GFX file is massively croppable.

Dan’s question of how big you want to print is relevant. The XT5 has 7700 pixel-width sensor, the GFX has 11,600. Divide by 300 to get approximate decent maximum “full-frame” print width; or about 25” for the XT5, about 38” for the GFX. FTR, a 25” wide side print is pretty big. A 38” print is HUGE.

Sep 29, 2024 at 05:18 PM

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p.1 #5 · p.1 #5 · XT5 or GFX?

gdanmitchell wrote:
How large are you printing?

My largest has only been a 9x9. I am not really over cropping but I like the flexibility to crop, if that makes sense. Ideally, as I get better I'd start trying to print larger!

fsiagian wrote:
Lenses for the GFX are more expensive too.

That's been a concern. I guess in my head I would just slowly build up a collection--assuming I'd stay in the GFX ecosystem. Since this is just a hobby, I'm comfortable with older/used equipment to reduce prices (essentially what I'm doing with the X-mounts).


gear-nut wrote:
This is basically comparing oranges to watermelons. Having both the XH2 and GFX100s, and having owned the XT5 a short while ago, I can tell you that the UI on the GFX and XH2 is incredibly similar, while the XT5’s is archaic in comparison. But for its dials and UI, the XT5 may be your huckleberry.

As good as the APS-c 40mp files are, the GFX 100mp files are a magnitude better as far as post-process malleability and adjustability; and of course with 2.5x as many pixels, the GFX file is massively croppable.

Dan’s question of how big you want
...Show more

You make a great point that I'm not printing THAT big. As far as dials, that's why I thought the GFX50s could be that middle option. However, I risk losing out on IBIS, which I have with the XH1.

My shooting style tends to be HDR-focused (bracketed and working with an HDR screen). So my theory was that medium format also gives me that better post-process malleability (except none of that HDR translates to print lol). But, brackets plus large file sizes mean a lot of storage so I guess that's a consideration...

Sep 29, 2024 at 06:09 PM
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p.1 #6 · p.1 #6 · XT5 or GFX?

Honestly, I think you should keep the XT5 and use it for a while. See how you like the files. If you truly got it at a bargain, you probably won’t ever get stung at resale, can sell it and at that time grab a GFX100s.

Sep 29, 2024 at 06:16 PM
Geoff D F
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p.1 #7 · p.1 #7 · XT5 or GFX?

You might want to check your technique for photos where you say details are lacking. I've printed photos up to about 90cm from 12mp files from an old Canon 5D. Things like using a tripod, careful focus and selection of aperture for maximum sharpness, and then sharpening in post processing can do a lot to add detail.

I'm not sure what lenses you are using, but a couple of the fuji entry level lenses such as the XC 15-45mm may not be up to very big enlargements.

Sep 29, 2024 at 07:29 PM
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p.1 #8 · p.1 #8 · XT5 or GFX?

There are no any practical reasons to get gfx camera. The only real reason - "I really really want a medium format camera". Both xh1 and xt5 should produce images big enough for reasonably large high quality prints.

Sep 29, 2024 at 08:27 PM
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p.1 #9 · p.1 #9 · XT5 or GFX?

If you don’t know if you need an X-T5 or GFX, you don’t need the GFX.

Sep 29, 2024 at 08:47 PM
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p.1 #10 · p.1 #10 · XT5 or GFX?

RoamingScott wrote:
If you don’t know if you need an X-T5 or GFX, you don’t need the GFX.



Sep 29, 2024 at 09:16 PM

Search in Used Dept. 

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p.1 #11 · p.1 #11 · XT5 or GFX?

Well... having both an X-T5 and a GFX100S - I really prefer using the X-T5.

If I'm doing a dedicated landscape shot or need the extra resolution - the GFX comes out.

For my purposes those scenarios are greatly outnumbered by other types of shooting.

I don't really care for the controls of the GFX and the X-T5 controls are peak Fuji for me.

Sep 29, 2024 at 10:12 PM
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p.1 #12 · p.1 #12 · XT5 or GFX?

Well illustrated that these models are NOT an “either/or”. They are complimentary.

liggy wrote:
Well... having both an X-T5 and a GFX100S - I really prefer using the X-T5.

If I'm doing a dedicated landscape shot or need the extra resolution - the GFX comes out.

For my purposes those scenarios are greatly outnumbered by other types of shooting.

I don't really care for the controls of the GFX and the X-T5 controls are peak Fuji for me.

Sep 29, 2024 at 10:14 PM
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p.1 #13 · p.1 #13 · XT5 or GFX?

My sincerest condolences for your profound illiteracy.

chez wrote:


Sep 29, 2024 at 10:27 PM
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p.1 #14 · p.1 #14 · XT5 or GFX?

If the shoe fits…

Sep 29, 2024 at 10:33 PM
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p.1 #15 · p.1 #15 · XT5 or GFX?

I agree that the XT5/Gfx are complementary. Would be hard to go 100% Gfx only no matter which one.

Sep 29, 2024 at 10:44 PM
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p.1 #16 · p.1 #16 · XT5 or GFX?

gdanmitchell wrote:
How large are you printing?

ariaziopi wrote:
My largest has only been a 9x9. I am not really over cropping but I like the flexibility to crop, if that makes sense. Ideally, as I get better I'd start trying to print larger!

9x9 is an odd size. Is that centimeters or something else?

I can produce excellent 20” x 30” prints from my XT5. If you aren’t regularly printing at that size or larger, the larger system’s downsides (cost, limited lenses, size, weight, slower operation) are are not likely outweigh its upsides.

I noticed a point that the XT5 is archaic. I’d say that its design targets a user with different preferences. Some love the PASM interface, while others love the “retro” knobs and dials interface. (I use systems with both, and while I’m happy with PASM for my landscape photography, I prefer the XT5 interface for my travel and street photography — but you’ll have to sort our your own preferences in this regard.

I understand the attraction of the miniMF format. I’ve considered it for quite a long time as an alternative to my high-MP full frame system. But it is important to step back and ask yourself whether the functional value of the larger system for your needs is compelling or not.

Sep 29, 2024 at 10:45 PM

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p.1 #17 · p.1 #17 · XT5 or GFX?

ariaziopi wrote:
The concern is that AF might be lacking in certain street situations…Should I consider keeping the XT5? Is it worth flipping to get a used GFX50s? Is it a good value to save up for used 100s?

I'm also currently trying to make the decision between keeping my GFX100S alongside an X-H2 or just sticking with the a larger XF lens collection. It really helps to shoot with the GFX for a bit so you can get a better idea of what you're considering. First, I would say that if "street situations" are a focus-area, as you've mentioned, the GFX bodies won't be as good for the fast shooting situations on the street as the X-T5. If speed is your concern, that's a big point in favor of sticking with the X-T5.

On the other hand, if you can live with shooting a little slower and needing to pay more attention to get the focus right, the GFX can produce some incredible results for the skilled photographer. Regarding which GFX body to purchase, I would recommend the GFX 100S or newer so that you have IBIS and the higher resolution experience.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you might want a second camera, maybe an X series body, to compliment the GFX. The reasons for this include for shooting in faster focusing situations, to have some lighter carrying options, to cover for focal lengths and shooting situations that you don't yet have the more expensive and heavier GF lenses yet, etc.

Sep 29, 2024 at 11:54 PM
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p.1 #18 · p.1 #18 · XT5 or GFX?

SGinNorcal wrote:
Would be hard to go 100% Gfx only no matter which one.

Totally depends on what you want to shoot. I have no problem what so ever to only use GFX.

Sep 30, 2024 at 04:42 AM
Nielk Mike
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p.1 #19 · p.1 #19 · XT5 or GFX?

ariaziopi wrote:
Hey folks,

To put this in context, I'm only a hobbyist.

I use it mostly for street, landscape, and travel photography

X-T5, obviously. And you can create massive prints even from the X-T5 - they don't always have to be 300ppi.

If you can afford a MFC on top of your X-T5 - go for it, make your dream come true. If not: Don't worry.

Sep 30, 2024 at 05:53 AM
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p.1 #20 · p.1 #20 · XT5 or GFX?

I should have added that if I could only have one system, it would be difficult for me to decide which. Probably the GFX because it better fills my more serious landscape photo side. But it isn’t a great casual/travel/street camera.

Sep 30, 2024 at 06:50 AM
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