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gdanmitchell wrote:
How large are you printing?
My largest has only been a 9x9. I am not really over cropping but I like the flexibility to crop, if that makes sense. Ideally, as I get better I'd start trying to print larger!
fsiagian wrote:
Lenses for the GFX are more expensive too.
That's been a concern. I guess in my head I would just slowly build up a collection--assuming I'd stay in the GFX ecosystem. Since this is just a hobby, I'm comfortable with older/used equipment to reduce prices (essentially what I'm doing with the X-mounts).
gear-nut wrote:
This is basically comparing oranges to watermelons. Having both the XH2 and GFX100s, and having owned the XT5 a short while ago, I can tell you that the UI on the GFX and XH2 is incredibly similar, while the XT5’s is archaic in comparison. But for its dials and UI, the XT5 may be your huckleberry.
As good as the APS-c 40mp files are, the GFX 100mp files are a magnitude better as far as post-process malleability and adjustability; and of course with 2.5x as many pixels, the GFX file is massively croppable.
Dan’s question of how big you want to print is relevant. The XT5 has 7700 pixel-width sensor, the GFX has 11,600. Divide by 300 to get approximate decent maximum “full-frame” print width; or about 25” for the XT5, about 38” for the GFX. FTR, a 25” wide side print is pretty big. A 38” print is HUGE. ...Show more →
You make a great point that I'm not printing THAT big. As far as dials, that's why I thought the GFX50s could be that middle option. However, I risk losing out on IBIS, which I have with the XH1.
My shooting style tends to be HDR-focused (bracketed and working with an HDR screen). So my theory was that medium format also gives me that better post-process malleability (except none of that HDR translates to print lol). But, brackets plus large file sizes mean a lot of storage so I guess that's a consideration...