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p.1 #3 · p.1 #3 · Previous/current owners of the Canon EF 50 1.2 L.. | |
The focusing ring on the EF 50 1.2L is fine, among the best of the USM lenses with full-time manual focusing, IMO. I really like how this lens is put together.
By now I think this lens is a rather well-known quantity, so I might not be sharing anything new, but it does have some focus shift that makes it hard to obtain critical sharpness when stopped down to f/2 or so.
Ironically, this was not as big of an issue on DSLRs, in part because focus was less consistent on DSLRs, but also because you could use MFA to calibrate focus to your preferred shooting aperture. (For example, I liked to shoot mine at f/1.6.)
But with R bodies, focusing is more precise and consistent, and there is no way to calibrate it to be otherwise.
So as much as I have fond memories of this lens, I would suggest obtaining a return privilege, if possible, and testing with it to see if this is an issue for you (assuming you are using it on mirrorless).
Good luck.