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Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

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p.3 #1 · p.3 #1 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

Uarctos wrote:
I can buy one (or more) from a bunch of retailers, body only in Europe. Around 5000 euro. Stock.

You can in the US also. B&H and Adorama always sell out the body's only. But, the local retailers have them. No problem.

Sep 04, 2024 at 07:44 AM
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p.3 #2 · p.3 #2 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

Nobody has denied that there are places where you can still buy the body only, from stock, in some countries.

Thing is, there are many places where you can't get neither camera only, nor kits, and there are long waiting lists.

Sep 04, 2024 at 08:01 AM
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p.3 #3 · p.3 #3 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

Just out of curiosity regardless of the availability of the camera. I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

Sep 04, 2024 at 10:15 AM
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p.3 #4 · p.3 #4 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

My memory could fail me, but I think the R5 held its value for 3-4 years and wasn't really discounted significantly until 2023

Sep 04, 2024 at 10:33 AM
Hairy Heron
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p.3 #5 · p.3 #5 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

When I decide to upgrade any kind of high end device, except for Apple laptops and iPads, I buy as soon as available -- Apple computers and iPad get discounted weeks after launch so I hold off til then.

To upgrade or not is a simple two-step evaluation for me -- 1. what is "lost opportunity" not upgrading? 2. Is that lost opportunity worth more, less, or equal to me than my out of pocket cost. If new features can improve my efficiency, save time, offer me more enjoyment, I buy, if not I don't buy. For example, I still wear an Apple Watch 7 and only this year did I upgrade my 2018 iPad Pro. In both those situations the superseding models didn't offer me anything I wanted or needed to warrant upgrading.

Now to the R52. Sure I could wait a year for the R52 to get a $200-400 discount. But during that time I wouldn't have the R52's awesome AF (vastly improved over R5) or pre-shooting...among other improvements; i.e., my lost opportunity. Now in that same period my R5 will continue to depreciate, probably by a similar amount as whatever the discount of the R52 will be, maybe more if Canon aggressively discounts the R5. So the "savings" by waiting a year is an illusion because the out of pocket cost will remain the same, possibly more vs buying at release.

Also while the R52 is has a big price tag, buying at release allows me to amortize cost of ownership over a 3 or 4 year period minus R5 trade-in value. In this equation my cost of ownership comes out to about $65 month -- the cost of one round of golf at an average course (I'm not a golfer, but just to point out it's not an outrageous hobby cost). When the R53 comes out I'll do it all over again. Why delay enjoyment or benefit of the latest tech?

Sep 04, 2024 at 11:10 AM
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p.3 #6 · p.3 #6 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

Just because stock from the launch run still exists doesn't mean the 2nd run will arrive any time soon. Just look at our friends at Fuji

There also have been quite a few issues with the first run in terms of seeming hardware issues. They might be needing to change a component supplier, happens all the time in tech fab, but those things affect the supply chain and take time.

Sep 04, 2024 at 11:12 AM
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p.3 #7 · p.3 #7 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
Just out of curiosity regardless of the availability of the camera. I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

You could wait a few years for the price to maybe drop $300. But then you're a few years closer to the grave with no new toy to play with.
Then a few months later news comes out that the R5III is going to be announced, so then you begin your waiting game once again because you'll want the latest and greatest new toy. But you'll refuse to pay asking price again and wait for the price to drop a couple hundred bucks.
Rinse and repeat again and again until that fat lady starts singing and the pearly gates begin to open.

$300 savings over 3 years is about $0.27/day. When was the last time a quarter bought you that much happiness?

Sep 04, 2024 at 11:21 AM
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p.3 #8 · p.3 #8 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

alundeb wrote:
My memory could fail me, but I think the R5 held its value for 3-4 years and wasn't really discounted significantly until 2023

The R5 was somewhat ahead of the curve for the class in some areas especially with the FW updates. Then the Z8 shipped in 2023.


Sep 04, 2024 at 11:36 AM
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p.3 #9 · p.3 #9 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

Difficulty getting the camera for 6 months puts you past the holidays. So if it seriously goes on that long, it's hard to say it's marketing.

If it gets cleared up before Thanksgiving one might say so but probably leaning in their suppliers to get things to not miss the holidays on their new camera. Wouldn't be too surprising if this gets cleared up before the holidays

Sep 04, 2024 at 12:53 PM
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p.3 #10 · p.3 #10 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
Just out of curiosity regardless of the availability of the camera. I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

1. Not everyone is penny pinching.
2. If you need a camera with better focusing ability, dynamic range, colors or whatever - makes no sense to wait, unless you are a very casual hobbyist. I miss shots and have to reshoot video clips due to blown highlights, focus issues etc, so a camera with better DR helps tremendously. It's well worth the $500 or whatever I would save by waiting six or nine months.
3. It's fun.
4. You can potentially make up for the $500 or so difference, by selling your R5 ASAP before the used market is flooded and used prices come down

Sep 04, 2024 at 01:17 PM

Search in Used Dept. 

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p.3 #11 · p.3 #11 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
Just out of curiosity regardless of the availability of the camera. I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

Its just like any tech product. There are the early adopters who will pay any price to have it right away. The slower adopters who wait a while, and generally with tech pay a slightly lower price. And the late adopters, who only buy when there is no other option left. Those are the people who buy the R5 now that the R5II is out, and pay a substantially lower price but don't have the latest thing.

This forum is heavily populated by enthusiasts that are fairly well funded. Seems like everyone here has 400 2.8s to shoot their birds with. A number of them are vocal and have high post counts (I don't mean this as a criticism in any way). That skews a bit the perception of the 'average' behavior of a photographer in terms of kit and gear buying.

There are a few who are still buying DSLRs at rock bottom prices. And some in the middle who wait a while, but not forever to upgrade.

Early adopters dominate the discussion for a while after release. The people who voted in the recent poll that they were waiting for the first price drop just don't have as much to say right now.

I'm one of them, generally. Bought much of my gear used, or refurbished, or on sale.

I'd also say there are some pros or semi-pros who buy stuff with different economics in mind than a hobbyist would.


Sep 04, 2024 at 03:30 PM
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p.3 #12 · p.3 #12 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

I'm only allowed to do photography 3-5 weeks per year, usually about 4 weeks.
If I did not need the camera in late Q3 and Q4, I would not have until later.
However, many of us have learned to pre-order in case of limited availability. I awakened at 252AM to order this one.


Sep 04, 2024 at 04:30 PM
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p.3 #13 · p.3 #13 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
Just out of curiosity regardless of the availability of the camera. I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

What do you need the R5II for? Do you shoot the most extreme action requiring R3 like AF? Do you really need pre-capture? Do you shoot tons of Clog video? If not, then buy an R5 for close to 2K. The used R5 is honestly the best value on the camera market by far. There's not much you can't do with the R5.

Sep 04, 2024 at 04:35 PM
Mike Jacks0n
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p.3 #14 · p.3 #14 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
Just out of curiosity regardless of the availability of the camera. I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

There is rarely a real sale on Canon gear. You generally have to wait about 2 years or be eyeing a camera that didn't compare well with the competition, and even then it will still be a reasonably long wait for real discounts. As far as having money ready to go, can't speak for others, but I was waiting for the R3 and then passed it up. Never spent the money, so I was ready to go on launch day.

artsupreme wrote:
What do you need the R5II for? ... Do you really need pre-capture?

... Don't ask that question to me. PRE-continuous shooting is something special in my book. But to your point, R5 is really 90% of the R5 II's match for 50% the cost. So yeah... its a bargain.

Sep 04, 2024 at 05:16 PM
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p.3 #15 · p.3 #15 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
Just out of curiosity regardless of the availability of the camera. I am curious to know why you would buy a 4300 dollar product at launch when you could wait a few months or a year and save a lot of money? I have always wondered, is it that you have thousands sitting in your account that you don't care about? I assume everyone here is paying cash for these, and most here are amateurs like me.
So what is it?

lighthound wrote:
You could wait a few years for the price to maybe drop $300. But then you're a few years closer to the grave with no new toy to play with.
Then a few months later news comes out that the R5III is going to be announced, so then you begin your waiting game once again because you'll want the latest and greatest new toy. But you'll refuse to pay asking price again and wait for the price to drop a couple hundred bucks.
Rinse and repeat again and again until that fat lady starts singing and the pearly gates begin to
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Historically with Canon's higher-end cameras, like the 1-series, they stayed at the initial launch price for years and only dropped once a replacement was announced. R5 series straddles the prosumer and pro markets and perhaps isn't as immune to price adjustments. But look at the R3 and it only recently has seen discounts.

I wouldn't assume anything about how others pay for these things. Clearly there are some on these board whose disposable income is far higher than most others, so for them, $5k isn't a big deal. Others might just pile more debt on their HELOC, or similar, and pay the piper later (or let their heirs deal with it). @gkinard1952 appears to revel in being frugal and making do with older gear because it still ticks the boxes. Others like shiny new things. After all, this is a GEAR board and shouldn't come as a surprise that some here like having the latest and greatest. Seriously, @gkinard1952, try a mirrorless camera and see what all the fuss is about.

Sep 04, 2024 at 09:53 PM
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p.3 #16 · p.3 #16 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

gkinard1952 wrote:
It is just a marketing ploy used.. Pretty common.
They put out a few cameras and allot of kits. Then when they run low on cameras they put out the "sorry we are 6 months behind" Then allot of people buy the kits. They have been doing that for years.

Not sure their marketing strategy for other countries but for the US it is very common.

Japan and the US have a free trade agreement. They target the US market. Have been for years. It is by far their best market. By light years.

I plan to get one, but not until
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I think he's poking at your spelling of desperate.

Sep 05, 2024 at 02:42 AM
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p.3 #17 · p.3 #17 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

Thanks for the feedback, I have always wondered the why.

Sep 05, 2024 at 06:03 AM
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p.3 #18 · p.3 #18 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

I was in the same boat as @gkinard1952. Coming from a 5D MkIII, I skipped the original R5. I always skip the first generation in any technology product I buy. Once the R5M2 was announced, I dearly wanted to get my hands on one. Canon threw a curveball saying that deliveries will only start 08/20 and I was going to be on a trip to 08/22. I was in two minds whether I should pre-order or not, since I was not sure whether I will get the camera in hand before I left. Called up B&H around 08/15 and asked them about the chances of getting on in store on the 20th. They informed me that they are expecting about 300 cameras for in-store pick up and I was about 130 in line. Bit the bullet, paid for it and picked it up in store on the 20th. I took it on the trip. First two days were a nightmare, learning the new camera and altering my shooting style. But after that, OMG. The difference in the photos (I took the 5DM3 along too) and the ease of use, the leap in the technologies between the 5DM3 and the R5M2, made me realize that it is completely worth it.

Also, the price anyone pays for whatever they buy is a function of what "value" they intend to get out of it for the price they pay. IOW, this is a completely personal decision. Someone might have more money than they need and don't mind spending for the latest and greatest, someone with lesser funds might still invest in something new in the hopes of getting better/higher returns for their investment, so on and so forth.

In the end, I guess all I am trying to say is, it's that person's decision on how they spend their money. Each one has their own decision making process which they follow to their own ends. Enjoy your gear be it a 40D, 5D or R5.

Sep 05, 2024 at 07:28 AM
Hairy Heron
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p.3 #19 · p.3 #19 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

artsupreme wrote:
What do you need the R5II for? Do you shoot the most extreme action requiring R3 like AF? Do you really need pre-capture? .

I have to disagree a bit with this part of your analysis based on my previous R5 ownership and my current experiences with the R52. The AF is much more than sticking to "extreme action." The beauty of the R52's AF is as much its accuracy in a crowded scene as it is its stickiness of fast moving subjects. By example, there is a rabbit that's routinely snacking on a path I walk a few days a week. I'll take a few shots of it as a "warm up" exercise. The R5 alway had a tough time focusing on the eye when the rabbit's head was in the grass. OTOH the R52 hones in on the eye as if the grass didn't exist, and it does it immediately, no flittering around for a few seconds.

Also, the AF finds and locks in on BIF at a much further distance than the R5, giving me more time to prepare for when it gets into shooting distance and to think about what the bird is preparing to do.

Similarly, when you ask "do you really need" pre-capture it reads rather pejorative like it's a gimmick. It's not a gimmick. It may be "cheating," but it works beautifully on the R52 (though needs a better way to control or dial it down). Anyone who shoots sports or wildlife "needs" it, unless they are mind readers of humans and animals. Yes, I lived without pre-capture for decades and still have lots of great bird action shots, but humans also lived without electricity for millennia.

I agree the R5's current price is a bargain but the R52 is not a "speciality" or "pro only" camera. Anyone who mostly shoots wildlife or sports will benefit from its improvements over the R5. Period. It seems to me the decision to buy or not buy the R52 really comes down to the impact on one's financial picture and how serious a hobby wildlife or sports photography is for them.

Sep 05, 2024 at 07:43 AM
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p.3 #20 · p.3 #20 · Canon announces up to 6 month delay for next R5II shipment (parts shortage)

Hairy Heron wrote:
I have to disagree a bit with this part of your analysis based on my previous R5 ownership and my current experiences with the R52. The AF is much more than sticking to "extreme action." The beauty of the R52's AF is as much its accuracy in a crowded scene as it is its stickiness of fast moving subjects. By example, there is a rabbit that's routinely snacking on a path I walk a few days a week. I'll take a few shots of it as a "warm up" exercise. The R5 alway had a tough time focusing on
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My analysis is based on the (2) R5II's I've owned for several weeks now, while shooting along side my R5's. Based on your response maybe you think I'm one who's never used one?

The three things I mentioned are the three things the R5 can't do and are worthy of an R5II upgrade, IF one really needs them. Rolling shutter is another one I did not mention but again, is that something everyone really needs? I did not call pre-capture a gimmick as you put it, I asked if Gkinard if he really needed an R5II because not everyone will use this feature. It burns the battery and heats up the camera, and as of right now it can't be programmed to be easily turned on/off. Maybe pre-capture is popular here for birds taking off from a perch, but not everyone shoots birds. There's a use for it in other areas, but let's not forget we've been shooting Canon digital for 24yrs with great results without pre-capture, and now somehow pre-capture is an absolutely necessity as if all former photos taken before the R5II missed the mark?? You say "anyone who shoots wildlife or sports needs it"....I completely disagree because I shoot both, and I'll rarely use it unless I'm trying to get a specialty shot. Pre-capture is a small part of the photography portfolio, so if you think it's the be-all end-all then you are missing out on a lot of other amazing captures.

I'm very aware of the R5's AF limitations, like your bunny in the grass scenario. However, this does not mean using a different method won't allow you to get the shot with the R5. Not everyone relies on AI AF, all the time. Some people use it only in situations when they know it will work. The R5II AF will obvioulsy do better and will nail a much higher percentage, but are you saying the R5 is not capable of getting the shot as well? Do we present and publish the 90 keepers of the R5II sequence of 100 or do we just pick a few favorites of the batch? My point is in the end, the R5 is plenty capable of getting the shot too, but you just have less to choose from, and less keepers to throw away. I've been shooting motocross with the R3 and R5 side by side for years. Yes, the R3 nails most everything compared to the R5, but at the end of the day when I cull and pick my favorites, the R5 is nailing just as many keepers in that final collection. It's a very capable camera, even for fast action.

As for the R5II being a specialty or pro camera? I agree everyone who shoots wildlife or sports can benefit from its improvements, but if one is on a budget the R5II is far from a necessity when looking at the end result. When members here are discussing the price point of the R5II and it being too expensive, then you have to look at what it really gives you over a less expensive R5. You won't see many images here in the R5II threads that the R5 is not very capable of, or has already been posted here from the R5, and this is why I asked Gkinard why he really needs the R5II. Does he shoot tiny erratic birds with pre-capture 100% of the time? Doubt it.

If one has the money to afford the R5II then by all means buy it as it's a great all-in-one camera, with great resolution, speed, and AF. However, if you are concerned about budget and value then the R5 can do nearly everything the R5II can do, with pretty much identical IQ for stills.

IMO, when considering budget and value, two cameras is better than one. So unless you are someone who shoots primarily the things the R5 can't do, then (2) R5's is better than one R5II. I would happily take (2) R5's to Africa instead of one of my R5II's as I can already tell you which would yield a better end result.

And at this point, for approx $700 more, you can own an R3/R5 combo for the price of an R5II. So there's options to look at when you are considering budget, versatility, and value, which was what my post to Gkinard was referring to.

Sep 05, 2024 at 12:32 PM
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