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It may be that many do not see that character/interest is highly correlated with lens speed. There are pretty average super fast lenses just as there are very engaging regular max aperture lenses. We are (somewhat) moving away from the 'more blur = better lens' phase of a few years back, but still have some way to go, judging from reviews.
It's interesting that many here have as their favourite lenses many fast optics that were released in the 20th century. Back then, ISO 400 was pushing it in colour film, ISO 800 was a bridge too far. The light gathering case was strong, much stronger in fact.
The term 'bokeh' was popularised only in 1997, by the editor of a photography magazine. And in a world of very high quality images taken at ISOs measured in the low thousands, blur had to be (much) more in demand than light gathering.
The PR campaigns and industry luminaries swung into action. Never mind the quality, feel the blur index - this mantra became a reality like never before. It went very well for them, they pumped resources into the fast and highly profitable products and downgraded and cheapened the others, again like never before. It was total artifice.