rscheffler Offline Upload & Sell: Off
akriegsfeld wrote:
Specifically need a bag or backpack as a carry on or act as a personal item that will carry 2 Camera Bodies, 100-500 mm lens,
24-105 lens, maybe a 70-200 F4 and 14-35 f4.
Plus Misc. batteries, charger etc
Are the bodies with vertical grips? That extra 1-1.5" actually makes a pretty big difference in the range of bags available. And a bag that can accommodate a standing gripped body will likely accommodate the RF 70-200/4, 24-105 and 14-35 standing rather than lying on their sides, which otherwise would take up more space.
Whatever the case, I'd look for something that is in the range of 6" deep internally to stand those three lenses.