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p.3 #1 · p.3 #1 · R5ii Thedigitalpicture re buffer say he got 161 images at 30fps | |
rscheffler wrote:
That's interesting about the file size discrepancy. Could it be bit depth difference depending on fps rate? In any case, in 'real world' conditions, ISO and scene content will be directly relevant to final file size and will impact buffer clearing (card write) times. My experience shooting sports wide open with long lenses and blurred out backgrounds is that those file sizes are a lot smaller than if I'm shooting highly detailed images, such as deep DOF wide angle landscapes, at equivalent ISOs. Fortunately in my case, the highly detailed deep DOF scenes are rarely ones for which I need 15 or 30fps and a deep buffer, where the available buffer capacity would be the most restrictive. As you can imagine though, for sports, I will want to wring as many frames out of the buffer as possible, which with the R5II, will benefit from shallow DOF shooting, CRAW, lower ISO when possible, and apparently faster cards.
For action-oriented photographers shooting RAW, the R5II's buffer will be a possible sticking point that will need to be carefully managed. This will be in contrast to the R1, which appears to have a virtually unlimited buffer. It's probably an intentional point of differentiation to keep the two cameras further separated, but I would not mind a paid upgrade for cameras like the R5 and R6 series to double the buffer capacity.
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The file size difference is only 5% - not a big difference so it could be fps or exposure or scene. This is not a big difference.
I agree that 100 frames, particularly if 15 are precapture, is less than 3s. And that requires being careful to no hit the buffer and be bricked for 3 seconds - which is forever when my bears suddenly are acting. Mind you if you are shooting at 15fps, that's 6s before bricking, so that is more manageable. [I am getting spoiled though - my old 5dsr would brick at 15 frames but the slow fps was easier to manage. The big advantage of R5II is you can set the fps at 15fps (6s) and have some kind of toggle to 30fps for when I rarely need it]