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8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

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p.1 #1 · p.1 #1 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

I've been reading how 8k60p raw is like 20 (or 40?) minutes of recording time on 1tb. Since the r5ii doesnt have 4k60p downsampled from 8k, the alternative is to record in 8k60p and downsample it in post. Was curious if anyone does this and has any opinions on the workflow (too time consuming, takes up too much space, etc).

Or does anyone like or dislike recording 8k60p in general

Aug 09, 2024 at 09:23 PM
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p.1 #2 · p.1 #2 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

According to the manual, https://cam.start.canon/en/C017/manual/html/UG-10_Reference_0110.html, it’s 51 minutes per terabyte.

I plan on shooting 8k60 when I need all the details (e.g. dragonflies, bees) and export the final result as 4k60. I don’t know how long that will last, I might get fed up with the process. The RAW movies on my R5 were easy to handle, Canon has plugins for the most popular editors, but I switched to HEVC because it was much, much smaller for, to me, the same quality.

For family videos I will use the oversampled 4k60 on my R8. But I shoot only a few minutes per month, so workflow issues don’t have a huge impact

Aug 10, 2024 at 03:12 AM
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p.1 #3 · p.1 #3 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

Ah, thank you for pointing that out in the manual. Yeah, i was thinking 8k60p for specific vids and post downsample it, while ill prob default to 4k60p (not as good) for normal recording. I might also get fed up with all the extra processing/downsampling too if it makes things inconvenient.. Here's hoping they introduce 4k 60p downsampled from 8k later (im ok if it requires battery fan grip if the issue is power or heat). Maybe thats why some marketing stuff "incorrectly" stated that theres 4k 60p downsample as it might be originally planned, but just not yet included.

Aug 10, 2024 at 11:45 PM

p.1 #4 · p.1 #4 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

Video recording has just about reached the end-point with regard to resolution when it comes to typical public consumption. Going beyond 4k has no good, mainstream use-case except for downsampling to 4k. The "problem" with 8k and beyond is that on an average display device such as a TV or computer monitor, it offers no functional advantage over 4k.

Edited on Aug 12, 2024 at 09:39 AM · View previous versions

Aug 12, 2024 at 09:35 AM
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p.1 #5 · p.1 #5 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

OMGPhoto_EC wrote:
Video recording has just about reached the end-point with regard to resolution when it comes to typical public consumption. Going beyond 4k has no good, mainstream use-case except for downsampling to 4k. The "problem" with 8k and beyond is that on a display device such as a TV or computer monitor, it offers no functional advantage over 4k.

I'd agree except for the use case of shooting 8K for delivery to 4K, with the flexibility to pan/zoom within the 8K footage.

Aug 12, 2024 at 09:39 AM
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p.1 #6 · p.1 #6 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

I shoot everything in 8k 50 (R5c) or 25 RAW.
I have optimized my workflow and in Davinci RAW is tad faster h265. For quick turnaround I edit directly for CFExpress. I have an I9 RTX4090 notebook, no proxy and is real time.

CFExpress you can buy Angelbird 1 TB at 199$ today so is not that bad.

The only real disadvantage if you want to keep the originals RAW for all that you do it may become costly.

9 days of filming in Africa all done in RAW other than the 120fps sequences

This was filmed over 2 days all RAW (other than the drone and insta360 sequence)

8k allows you to crop in, get 2x reach, pan/zoom and even more useful stabilize in post. Plus, I pull a lot of stills where you may want to frame it differently having 8k makes a big difference.

Aug 12, 2024 at 09:49 AM

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p.1 #7 · p.1 #7 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

action99 wrote:
I shoot everything in 8k 50 (R5c) or 25 RAW.
I have optimized my workflow and in Davinci RAW is tad faster h265. For quick turnaround I edit directly for CFExpress. I have an I9 RTX4090 notebook, no proxy and is real time.

CFExpress you can buy Angelbird 1 TB at 199$ today so is not that bad.

The only real disadvantage if you want to keep the originals RAW for all that you do it may become costly.

9 days of filming in Africa all done in RAW other than the 120fps sequences

This was filmed over 2 days all RAW (other than
...Show more
Excellent videos!! Professional in every way. Thanks for sharing!

For anyone looking, if the first video shows unavailable, click the YouTube link and it is there and it is fabulous!

Aug 12, 2024 at 10:09 AM
Hairy Heron
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p.1 #8 · p.1 #8 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

8K itself is of limited utility because the bandwidth to take it mainstream doesn't exist yet -- just like the bandwidth for 4K didn't exist in 2010. So all I will say is, if you filmed something "important" to you in 2017 and had the option of recording in 4K or 1080p which would you have chosen knowing what you know today? All other factors are relative -- computer speed, storage costs, etc.

Also, say you choose 1080p in 2017. Are you bummed out it's not in 4K now -- not upscaled, natively recorded in 4K.

Aug 12, 2024 at 11:30 AM
John Caldwell
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p.1 #9 · p.1 #9 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

Possibly mentioned already:

It's often not about resolution in final presentation, as 1080 is still the practical consumer format. What 4k and above bring to the table are the ability to recompose a scene in post, when needed, even though exported project is still only 1080. If no recomposition is needed, no harm in having the bulkier file - space and system burden not withstanding.


Aug 12, 2024 at 01:04 PM
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p.1 #10 · p.1 #10 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

John Caldwell wrote:
Possibly mentioned already:

It's often not about resolution in final presentation, as 1080 is still the practical consumer format. What 4k and above bring to the table are the ability to recompose a scene in post, when needed, even though exported project is still only 1080. If no recomposition is needed, no harm in having the bulkier file - space and system burden not withstanding.

And for me, as a hobbyist doing mostly macro, the extra pixels allow me to crop in more and stabilize it in post. Wind will make the branch a dragonfly is perching on sway, no amount of tripod will fix that.

Aug 13, 2024 at 03:52 AM
John Caldwell
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p.1 #11 · p.1 #11 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

koenkooi wrote:
.. the extra pixels allow me to..stabilize in post.

Yes, stabilization is another good point made possible by higher capture than "needed".

Aug 13, 2024 at 04:33 AM

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p.1 #12 · p.1 #12 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii

in 8k60 those 2600 Mbps is your enemy

Aug 20, 2024 at 02:11 PM

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