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p.1 #2 · p.1 #2 · 8k 60p worth recording? Or downsampling to 4k60p in post? r5ii | |
According to the manual, https://cam.start.canon/en/C017/manual/html/UG-10_Reference_0110.html, it’s 51 minutes per terabyte.
I plan on shooting 8k60 when I need all the details (e.g. dragonflies, bees) and export the final result as 4k60. I don’t know how long that will last, I might get fed up with the process. The RAW movies on my R5 were easy to handle, Canon has plugins for the most popular editors, but I switched to HEVC because it was much, much smaller for, to me, the same quality.
For family videos I will use the oversampled 4k60 on my R8. But I shoot only a few minutes per month, so workflow issues don’t have a huge impact