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p.2 #18 · p.2 #18 · 6-12 month wait for Leica Germany to perform warranty work | |
1bwana1 wrote:
I also noticed that lack of an efficient work ethic at the Leica factory during my recent visit. In fact I was shocked by it. I commented on it during my posts about my visit here. My first working experiences in Germany were in the 1970s. At that time Germany stood out as a efficient place to do business. That was also my experience partnering with German companies in manufacturing. During the last 30 years or so my focus when it came to manufacturing shifted to the East. So much so that I haven't even visited Germany since the late 1990s. On my visit this past June I was shocked by the huge changes in efficiency, service, cleanliness, and down grading of pretty much everything that I associated with Germany in the past.
There is no way I would build a factory, nor partner with one in that environment. No way.
I am curious if the Germans know how far they have fallen, or if this change is so endemic and slow that like the frog in a pot of heating water they just don't notice that much. It is my feeling that in the end, it will not go well.
Sad......Show more →
I’ve had issues with all BMWs I’ve owned, but my last one was actually built in South Africa. I’ll never buy a BMW again, though. This from someone who now drives an Alfa Romeo, the irony…
I can’t speak for Germany overall, but in Holland the benefits (and the ease of making money in the drugs trade) have resulted in a lot of people choosing not working or working part time over a career. My brother owns a business there and has real issues getting and keeping personnel.
That said, customer service in stores etc. is still often better than in the US, at least the NY region I recently left.
As I wrote before, it’s hard to generalize. All I know for sure that from my perspective Leica sucks at customer service when it comes to sending gear in for repair. And don’t buy a BMW and keep it more than three years