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A Joystick on the Hasselblad X2D Similation
Something I immediately missed by moving from my Nikon system to the Hasselblad X2D is a joystick and its use. There is actually what amounts to a joystick function built into the X2, but it had to be pointed out for me to understand how to use it..
On YouTube, look for the videos from “mathphotographer” and you can learn a lot about setting up your Hasselblad X2D.
However, perhaps the most important technique I learned from ‘mathphotographer’ is how to get a joystick that actually works on the screen, either by using the back LCD screen (and the front and back wheels) or, more important to me, how to get a joystick simulation if you are looking through the viewfinder and using your thumb on the LCD. Once you understand how to do this, its like having a joystick and you can have this right now. The video is here:
‘mathphotographer’ on YouTube:
“NEW Hasselblad X2D + XCD 2.5/55V Focus Field Control without Joystick”