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p.2 #1 · p.2 #1 · Something needs to go..

See, you're using logic to make the decision But I'm completely out of kilter when it comes to cameras. I sold 6 last year..... and bought 4 more.

Every time I sell my SL gear (which I have done 3 times), I end up buying it again. I just got my SL3 and I don't know folks, I think it's a keeper. I just sold a slew of Canon R gear (still have a Z8 for now).

So my stable is now mostly Leica - Q-P, Q3, SL2-S, SL3, M10-P, M11 (and bunch of film stuff). If I had to pick right now, I'd keep the M11 and SL3. I can use my M lenses on the SL3 and the files are similar. The Qs are great cameras, but I don't get along as well with a single lens as many do.

To me the SL3 is everything the SL2 was and more. Has great high ISO, great color, simplicity of menus, etc. They improved the AF (I don't need the performance of the Z8 or R5 - they were more to scratch my "try the best" itch (and they are great)) some too.

But I am not a logical person when it comes to cameras - I love the look, feel and build quality of Leicas and they get my juices flowing. I do have a harder and harder time manually focusing now, so the SL3, even with M lenses, is great. If the 24-90 was just not such a beast.... I will always have an M. My father used rangefinder Leicas (which I still have) and nothing is as elegant and classic in my mind.

Now I'm on the hunt for a D Lux 8. Because it just looks so good . There are worse habits to have folks - you can always buy or sell another one if you make a bad decision.

Aug 03, 2024 at 06:16 AM
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p.2 #2 · p.2 #2 · Something needs to go..


The new Siggy 500/5.6 for your long wildlife. I traded out my Canon 100-400 II + TC after many years with it. No regrets.

I'm sittin' on the SL2-S / M10R pairing mostly. Q2 and M246 to a lesser extent. I'd like to be down to two bodies, and the M's are limited to 135mm, so the SL series is for things beyond that, but I can readily mount my M glass of choice, as well. Plus, I can use an SL lens ... currently thinking I'll go with the SL 50/2, the Panny 100/2.8 Macro and my Siggy 500/5.6 to round out my SL glass. That let's my Q2 pick up the wider end of things, or I toss on an M lens (24/35/40) if I don't want to use my Q2. My 40 cron has been sitting on my SL2-S lately.

Imo, the SL3 + Q3 or SL3 + M11P makes a good pairing.

I think you have to ask yourself about your glass that you use (or want to use) whether you pair with the Q3 or the M11P. Two bodies or three could influence which to keep also. SL3 / Q3 / M11P.

An efficient setup is the Q3 for the wide - normal. The SL3 for the tele, and the M11P locked on with your favorite lens.

The only "single body" solution, is the SL3 ... with a mix of M glass and L mount glass.

I know many folks think you're gonna have to go outside the Leica ecosystem for your long glass. If I were going that route, I'm hearing good things about M lenses on the newer Nikon bodies (no experience), and some of the longer Nikon primes have produced well, too. Then, it would be the Nikon body instead of the SL ... but, I'm good with the SL in the Leica stable. Added bonus, the SL / Q use the same battery.

Aug 03, 2024 at 06:48 AM

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p.2 #3 · p.2 #3 · Something needs to go..

Well said. The 24-90 is what gives me heartburn about selling the sl3. It is a true beast.
crf59 wrote:
See, you're using logic to make the decision But I'm completely out of kilter when it comes to cameras. I sold 6 last year..... and bought 4 more.

Every time I sell my SL gear (which I have done 3 times), I end up buying it again. I just got my SL3 and I don't know folks, I think it's a keeper. I just sold a slew of Canon R gear (still have a Z8 for now).

So my stable is now mostly Leica - Q-P, Q3, SL2-S, SL3, M10-P, M11 (and bunch of film stuff). If I had to
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Aug 03, 2024 at 07:23 AM

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p.2 #4 · p.2 #4 · Something needs to go..

I’ve heard great things about the sigma 500. With that lens can the SL3 really grab moving birds?

RustyBug wrote:

The new Siggy 500/5.6 for your long wildlife. I traded out my Canon 100-400 II + TC after many years with it. No regrets.

I'm sittin' on the SL2-S / M10R pairing mostly. Q2 and M246 to a lesser extent. I'd like to be down to two bodies, and the M's are limited to 135mm, so the SL series is for things beyond that, but I can readily mount my M glass of choice, as well. Plus, I can use an SL lens ... currently thinking I'll go with the SL 50/2, the Panny 100/2.8 Macro and my Siggy 500/5.6 to
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Aug 03, 2024 at 07:28 AM
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p.2 #5 · p.2 #5 · Something needs to go..

Send me your SL3 and I'll let you know.

Or, you could rent, beg, borrow, buy (with great return policy) one, to take it for a lap.

Will it be up to the best in class BIF systems of other mfr's. Can't say ... I wouldn't expect it to be TOP dog on an SL3, but it might still be able to get off the porch and run with 'em just fine.

Aug 03, 2024 at 07:43 AM
Stephen G
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p.2 #6 · p.2 #6 · Something needs to go..

jayoco wrote:
I know this is a high class problem so please be gentle.

Over the last 30 years, I've bought and sold and bought and sold (cameras and lenses) including a few items from folks right here recently. Here is where I find myself.

Right now I own an SL2s, an SL3, an M11P, a Q3 and Canon R5 + RF lens kit.

My wife is right. We are the stage in life where SOMETHING needs to go. It's probably NOT the M. I shoot street, bars, restaurants and cafes and some portrait. We travel and I love travel photography. I also shoot
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Gone thru this rodeo a number of times.
Always keep the M, probably keep the Q, drop the SL.

M stands on its own in terms of user experience, and Q is unmatched for one camera event/travel/casual use.

The SL, as beautiful as they are, as Leica as they are, etc.. just are always lagging state of the art mirrorless in terms of speed/AF/video/etc.

If you ultimately NEED mirrorless for some performance use cases - sports, birding, actual paid gigs.. you are going to get more for less money with Canon/Nikon/Sony. UX/industrial design do not matter if you are missing shots and losing gigs.

Aug 03, 2024 at 09:25 AM
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p.2 #7 · p.2 #7 · Something needs to go..

If it were me I’d sell the SLs, easy call. They are redundant with your Canon, and since you seem inclined to keep the Canon the SL should go. I am a Leica fan too, but frankly I never saw the appeal of the SL system.

The Q3 is the easiest to sell since it’s just one item. But also a unique proposition, even if you also have an M with a 28. The Q3 will be smaller and more capable. Sometimes you just want AF. Still, it’s not really needed, so it should be the next to go but only if you have no choice.

Definitely keep the M.

FWIW I’ve got basically the same setup I’m recommending - M11, Q3, and a Z8. Each has a pretty clear purpose and that makes me quite satisfied.

Aug 05, 2024 at 08:01 PM
Fred Miranda
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p.2 #8 · p.2 #8 · Something needs to go..

You might already know the answer to this, as asking others could just make things more confusing.

Which camera do you use most often, and which one do you use the least? Are there any overlaps in your gear? Are you satisfied with the output from the SL2-S, or do you prefer the SL3? Choose the one you prefer and stick with it. Do you use the Q often or rarely? If it’s the latter, maybe you don’t need it.

Do you need another camera format, or can you stick with Leica? If you prefer the Canon system, perhaps the SL series isn't necessary.

As for the M11-P, do you enjoy using it? If not, it might be worth reconsidering if a rangefinder is the right choice for you.

Aug 11, 2024 at 04:39 PM
Geoff CB
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p.2 #9 · p.2 #9 · Something needs to go..

Sell the SL3, unless you need the resolution it's doing nothing for you and will get you immediate large cash.

Aug 11, 2024 at 08:55 PM
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p.2 #10 · p.2 #10 · Something needs to go..

RustyBug wrote:
Send me your SL3 and I'll let you know.

Or, you could rent, beg, borrow, buy (with great return policy) one, to take it for a lap.

Will it be up to the best in class BIF systems of other mfr's. Can't say ... I wouldn't expect it to be TOP dog on an SL3, but it might still be able to get off the porch and run with 'em just fine.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or the ultimate in wishful thinking, but compared to the latest offerings from Sony, Nikon, and Canon, it's not really even close. The SL3's a nice improvement over the 2 and 2s, but it's not going to run with the best in class.

Aug 11, 2024 at 09:26 PM

Search in Used Dept. 

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p.2 #11 · p.2 #11 · Something needs to go..

If it were me, I'd dump the SL gear and go all-in on Canon for AF. Sure, the 24-90's awesome, but have you used Canon's 24-105/2.8L? That things every bit the beast and you get a constant f/2.8. That and the new R5II would go a long way in making me feel better about losing the SLs.

The Q3 seems like it would require some evaluation by use. Does it back-up the M11? Is it your solo adventure camera? Is there something it gives you you're not otherwise getting from the M11 and Nokton combo?

Aug 11, 2024 at 09:41 PM
Steve Spencer
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p.2 #12 · p.2 #12 · Something needs to go..

flash wrote:
Tell the wife you'll miss her....


This is by far the most expensive option. In my experience selling all his camera gear wouldn't come close to paying for a divorce.

To seriously answer the OPs question I think the M and the Canon would allow him to do anything he wants and the SL doesn't really bring anything that unique to the table, so the SL2 and SL3 and the L mount lenses should go. He could add some M lenses and RF lenses to compensate, but he ought to be able to recoup quite a bit of his investment and still have a wonderful kit that can do anything.

Aug 11, 2024 at 09:56 PM
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p.2 #13 · p.2 #13 · Something needs to go..

freaklikeme wrote:
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or the ultimate in wishful thinking, but compared to the latest offerings from Sony, Nikon, and Canon, it's not really even close. The SL3's a nice improvement over the 2 and 2s, but it's not going to run with the best in class.

Only in AFC and some specialised lens options. In build quality, file robustness, IBIS, handling, menus, weather sealing etc the SL3 stomps on the R5. The R5II looks like it takes a small DR hit on the original and does nothing more than play catchup with the Z8 and A1. I'm sure it'll be a fine camera but the SL3 is an A7R5 alternative, not really a R5II alternative. People have different priorities. I was completely underwhelmed with the R5 and Canon's latest offerings (except the sublime 28-70). I'll take the SL3 any day. K likes my R5's though so they have a home.

I spent yesterday in the rain shooting half second exposures, handheld. From the cameras I have you have 3 options. SL3, S5II and OM1. About 90% were sharp with the SL3.

Doesn't the 24-105/2.8 weigh 1.3kg? Not really a lens I want to travel with. Fine as it may be, I'll keep my 24-105 f4L.


Aug 12, 2024 at 02:55 AM
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p.2 #14 · p.2 #14 · Something needs to go..

flash wrote:
Only in AFC and some specialised lens options. In build quality, file robustness, IBIS, handling, menus, weather sealing etc the SL3 stomps on the R5. The R5II looks like it takes a small DR hit on the original and does nothing more than play catchup with the Z8 and A1. I'm sure it'll be a fine camera but the SL3 is an A7R5 alternative, not really a R5II alternative. People have different priorities. I was completely underwhelmed with the R5 and Canon's latest offerings (except the sublime 28-70). I'll take the SL3 any day. K likes my R5's though so
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I'm not saying the SL as a system has no advantages, but, were I in the OP's place and trying to consolidate my gear with a need for a reliable wildlife camera, it would be the first to go. Particularly since he's already got the 61MP sensor in two other cameras, one of which, at least, I don't think he plans to give up.

Yes, the 24-105/2.8L is big and heavy, but it's only 190g heavier than the OP's beloved VE 24-90 (and half the price). I don't know if he travels with the VE, but I don't think the extra 190g would be a deal breaker if he does.

Aug 12, 2024 at 07:57 AM

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p.2 #15 · p.2 #15 · Something needs to go..

Okay, I’ll play here.

Keep the M11 and M glass. Sell the SLs, Q3 and Canon gear. Buy Z8 and ZF, Nikon plays well with M glass and has an adapter to AF m glass when you want to use M but don’t want to MF. The Nikon Z8 will meet any wild life needs, the ZF is plain sexy, and the Nikon 24-120 f/4 has got to be the best medium zoom available and it weighs only 1.4lbs. The 24-90 is awesome, but it is 2.5lbs, ouch….I recently sold my XT5 / lenses and Z7 / lenses, kept my GFX gear and picked up an SL3…the SL3 is special, but contemplating going the Z8/ZF route, the 24-120 is very appealing and personally dont want to lug the 24-90 around. And, I think Nikon colors are closer to Leica than any other brand except maybe Hasselblad.

Question for FLASH: do you know if Sigma will be rolling out an updates 24-105 ART? That might tilt the scale for me at least, big fan of what they’re doing right now…the 24-70 ii looks awesome and weighs only 1.6lbs.

Aug 12, 2024 at 10:51 AM
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p.2 #16 · p.2 #16 · Something needs to go..

Rod.smith7 wrote:
Okay, I’ll play here.

Keep the M11 and M glass. Sell the SLs, Q3 and Canon gear. Buy Z8 and ZF, Nikon plays well with M glass and has an adapter to AF m glass when you want to use M but don’t want to MF. The Nikon Z8 will meet any wild life needs, the ZF is plain sexy, and the Nikon 24-120 f/4 has got to be the best medium zoom available and it weighs only 1.4lbs. The 24-90 is awesome, but it is 2.5lbs, ouch….I recently sold my XT5 / lenses and Z7 / lenses, kept my GFX
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I'm not sure. But my copy of the Panasonic 24-105 is excellent. I do like the Siggy 24-70ii as well.


  LEICA SL3    LUMIX S 24-105/F4 lens    76mm    f/11.0    1/125s    400 ISO    -0.6 EV  

Aug 12, 2024 at 01:54 PM

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p.2 #17 · p.2 #17 · Something needs to go..

flash wrote:
I'm not sure. But my copy of the Panasonic 24-105 is excellent. I do like the Siggy 24-70ii as well.


Thanks, this is helpful, how would you compare the pana 24-105 to the 24-90?


Aug 12, 2024 at 02:04 PM
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p.2 #18 · p.2 #18 · Something needs to go..

Rod.smith7 wrote:
Thanks, this is helpful, how would you compare the pana 24-105 to the 24-90?


Sharpness wise I'm not seeing much difference, even wide open. I do like how the 24-90 draws and I think it has slightly better CA control. Some describe it as near APO, which I agree with.

As a travel lens there's no competition. Panasonic wins, every time. Mine is great optically. Matches well with the Leica 100-400. It's got great weather sealing and as I'm mostly around f8 it's a no brainer to take it. 30% lighter at least. Wide open shot below.


  LEICA SL3    LUMIX S 24-105/F4 lens    24mm    f/4.0    1/1600s    200 ISO    +0.6 EV  

Aug 12, 2024 at 04:15 PM

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p.2 #19 · p.2 #19 · Something needs to go..

flash wrote:
Sharpness wise I'm not seeing much difference, even wide open. I do like how the 24-90 draws and I think it has slightly better CA control. Some describe it as near APO, which I agree with.

As a travel lens there's no competition. Panasonic wins, every time. Mine is great optically. Matches well with the Leica 100-400. It's got great weather sealing and as I'm mostly around f8 it's a no brainer to take it. 30% lighter at least. Wide open shot below.


Thanks for the response, the 24-105 seems like a no brainer to try out…and it is significantly lighter than the 24-90, although the 24-90 is still tempting, I owned for a brief time using on SL2 and SL2s, it seemed to resolve an amazing amount of details with sublime rendering, but the weight is a big con.

I did some testing last night of the SL3 vs GFX100s using the canon 16-35 f/2.8 iii, high dynamic range, will post results if anyone is interested (nothing scientific mind you).


Aug 13, 2024 at 11:02 AM
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p.2 #20 · p.2 #20 · Something needs to go..

Rod.smith7 wrote:
Thanks for the response, the 24-105 seems like a no brainer to try out…and it is significantly lighter than the 24-90, although the 24-90 is still tempting, I owned for a brief time using on SL2 and SL2s, it seemed to resolve an amazing amount of details with sublime rendering, but the weight is a big con.

I did some testing last night of the SL3 vs GFX100s using the canon 16-35 f/2.8 iii, high dynamic range, will post results if anyone is interested (nothing scientific mind you).


I've had my 24-90 since 2016. Not sure I'd buy it now over the 24-105. Weight is the main thing, but I can have a couple of *i* primes as well and spend less. The more I use the Panasonic the more I like it.


  LEICA SL3    LUMIX S 24-105/F4 lens    43mm    f/9.0    1/80s    160 ISO    0.0 EV  

Aug 14, 2024 at 03:09 AM
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