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Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

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p.3 #1 · p.3 #1 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!


"Jerome Brouillet was shooting from a boat with his Nikon Z9 in the perfect position to catch the moment as Medina "kicks out" and the end of his run. "You know something is going to happen. The only tricky moment is where he is going to kick out? Because I'm blind! Sometimes he makes an acrobatic gesture and this time he did that and so I pushed the button," he told France 24.

His Z9 is capable of shooting 20fps, but the Tahiti-based AFP photographer uses the burst mode in moderation. "When I'm shooting at Teahupo'o I don't shoot in such a high burst mode, because at the end of the day, if you push too hard on the button you come back with 5,000 shots in a day, and I don't like that!," he admits. This is one of four images he shot of the surfer's celebration."

Aug 02, 2024 at 05:51 AM
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p.3 #2 · p.3 #2 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

Lance B wrote:
That's all very well. I have watched local surfing and taken surfing photos, many of my friends surf, I live in Australia not far from beaches, I also often watch surfing on TV from all over the world. So, I know they can get catapulted up like that, I've seen it many times. What looks fake is that his stance looks *exactly* like he is standing on the ground taking the pose and that is why it looked fake.

That's the thing that people at the top of their field can do to make their brand go viral. In this case I guess it is interesting because if Medina does win Olympic Gold, this photo was sort of anticipating that moment on the podium. It's clearly deliberate on the part of the athlete to pose like that, and the photographer expected it would be coming. Quite a lot of athletes make characteristic celebratory theatrics after a top performance, and the Olympics is the place to do that.

When you have an event that only happens every four years and athletes and photographers both aspire to make their mark, with thousands of photographers, you're going to see shots that catch just the right moment. That shouldn't rise suspicions. If it had been a faked photo, the things to look for include inconsistencies in the lighting pattern, looking "too good" in terms of lighting, and pixel-level artifacts that show that something isn't quite right. Here the lighting of the athlete is consistent with the rest of the coverage of the event and in any case AFP is always going for a more realistic and un-polished photography rather than the "make the images look a bit better than reality" type that some other agencies might do.

Aug 02, 2024 at 06:46 AM
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p.3 #3 · p.3 #3 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

and isn't a shame you were not there. sometimes you just have to enjoy the moment that is in your view. you then get what you get. sometimes its that rare diamond other times it's less.

you had to be there.

Aug 02, 2024 at 06:59 AM
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p.3 #4 · p.3 #4 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

I do enjoy the Olympics and do not feel having to be there in person. The surfing events are freely accessible (no tickets) but the cost of flights to Tahiti from where I live are currently 3000€ (for a 48 hour one-way flight sequence!) and higher (10000€ to get there in a shorter, 24 h, flight sequence), so it would be a very expensive experience. Of course one might choose to holiday in Tahiti for other reasons as well than just seeing the Olympic surfing, and at times the flights might be less expensive (certainly from the Western US or from most of Asia I would expect the flights to cost less).

If you just want to see the athletic performances, television does a good job, and in many cases you'll see much more than you could by being there on the location yourself. I was at the Barcelona Olympics and saw one event; unfortunately it was very uneventful and I got sunburn ... I just don't think the on-site experience is worth the cost and hassle of getting there on those days. I've noticed how much improvement there has been in the image quality presented of these events even if limited to FullHD, the images are so clear (compared to what was available years ago).

To me it makes much more sense to photograph events that happen close to where I live. Less travel time, lower costs, and lower environmental impact, access to the location in weather conditions that are reasonable, and knowledge of the locations that only locals have etc.

Aug 02, 2024 at 07:23 AM
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p.3 #5 · p.3 #5 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

you kind of missed the point. it is more the tone not the travel.

my statement of "you had to be there" refers to that of any image taken as its the only way you're going to get it. i tend not to critique those moments. i absorb them.

i prefer discovery. personal or work related. so, I go discover, whether it be local, or a bit further away. but then that is personal and work.

we each value things our own way.

Addendum: i also sunburn pretty easy too.

Aug 02, 2024 at 07:34 AM
bs kite
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p.3 #6 · p.3 #6 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

MRomine wrote:
All very true. One of the first rules of journalism, keep shooting until the moment is over. He did that and his colleagues didn’t. By the time they got their cameras back up to their eye it was over. Great image!


There is often too much credit give to the equipment, whether it is camera and/or lens, brand/model.

Most people here (and probably on any/all forum(s)) still have not learned that the most important component is technique..... with some added luck too. .

This photographer could have captured this image with any camera capable of say...... even 15 fps... maybe even 12 (my guess). Do you all remember with the Z9 introduction when we took heat in this forum from just a few people over 30 fps vs 20 fps. I remember. My thought then and now is that. I do not want to sit at a computer and edit/delete the incremental variations between images.

The reason the photog was able to capture this is exactly what MRomine posted: The photographer got into position with a vision in his head of what would happen. When that vision happened he was all set up for it...... and he followed through all the way, even past the end of that instant capture.

Edited on Aug 02, 2024 at 09:31 PM · View previous versions

Aug 02, 2024 at 08:18 AM

Search in Used Dept. 

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p.3 #7 · p.3 #7 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

People who participate in camera brand titled forum discussions are typically mainly technical people interested in technical things and discussing technology. Those who are mostly interested in the photography content spend time elsewhere (probably shooting and viewing images and discussing them with others in person) for the most part. If we looked at the whole population of photographers, I am sure that most experienced photographeesknow the human factor is the most important and not the camera. However, selling cameras is a big business and so this motivates what people see online. Many sites review cameras to boost sales, not to help photographers learn skills but to make them believe a new camera or lens will do the decisive trick.

The photographer said he only took four shots of the celebratory moment, preferring not to shoot at high fps and end up with 5000 images at the end of the day. Being selective is also probably an important contributor leading to the image getting selected by the editorial staff for distribution. To get it out on time, there cannot be too many images to consider. All the photos shot went directly from the camera to AFP. So there is a contribution from the staff as well. Who controls the boat the photographer was on (basically determining the camera position) when the moment too place, and who makes the image selections for distribution.

bs kite wrote:

There is often too much credit give to the equipment, whether it is camera and/or lens, brand/model.

Most people here (and probably on any/all forum(s)) still have not learned that the most important component is technique..... with some added luck too. .

This photographer could have captured this image with any camera capable of say...... even 15 fps... maybe even 12 (my guess). Do you all remember with the Z9 introduction when we took heat in this forum from just a few Sony people over 30 fps vs 20 fps. I remember. My thought then and now is that.
...Show more

Aug 02, 2024 at 09:09 AM
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p.3 #8 · p.3 #8 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

Meanwhile, David Burnett covering the Olympics with a Speed Graphic

Aug 02, 2024 at 10:17 AM
Max Power
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p.3 #9 · p.3 #9 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

RoamingScott wrote:
Much higher res version at Time: https://time.com/7005239/olympics-surfing-photo-tahiti-gabriel-medina-jerome-brouillet/

That's more like it. I saw the video before I saw the photo, so when I saw the first version of the image posted here, I thought it was merely a still culled from the video. That wave was intense, this guy nailed it like few others, and his number 1 gesture is well deserved.

I predict this one makes it into every one of *A Year in Pictures* articles that are so prevalent around the holidays.

Aug 02, 2024 at 01:40 PM
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p.3 #10 · p.3 #10 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

It is a fabulous image, captured at an iconic surf location, of a great competitor, by an accomplished surf photographer, at a historic event, using amazing camera gear. As a lifelong surfer I think congratulations and respect is due for all of those reasons.

Aug 02, 2024 at 09:06 PM
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p.3 #11 · p.3 #11 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon!

Saw this and had to laugh.....for those who know the story of this guy


Aug 02, 2024 at 09:48 PM
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