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p.3 #2 · p.3 #2 · Best picture of the Olympics? Captured with a Nikon! | |
Lance B wrote:
That's all very well. I have watched local surfing and taken surfing photos, many of my friends surf, I live in Australia not far from beaches, I also often watch surfing on TV from all over the world. So, I know they can get catapulted up like that, I've seen it many times. What looks fake is that his stance looks *exactly* like he is standing on the ground taking the pose and that is why it looked fake.
That's the thing that people at the top of their field can do to make their brand go viral. In this case I guess it is interesting because if Medina does win Olympic Gold, this photo was sort of anticipating that moment on the podium. It's clearly deliberate on the part of the athlete to pose like that, and the photographer expected it would be coming. Quite a lot of athletes make characteristic celebratory theatrics after a top performance, and the Olympics is the place to do that.
When you have an event that only happens every four years and athletes and photographers both aspire to make their mark, with thousands of photographers, you're going to see shots that catch just the right moment. That shouldn't rise suspicions. If it had been a faked photo, the things to look for include inconsistencies in the lighting pattern, looking "too good" in terms of lighting, and pixel-level artifacts that show that something isn't quite right. Here the lighting of the athlete is consistent with the rest of the coverage of the event and in any case AFP is always going for a more realistic and un-polished photography rather than the "make the images look a bit better than reality" type that some other agencies might do.